"I'll manage Tash." I said, getting down from the car.

I walked groggily to my department, it wasn't easy because my stomach constantly hurt with every step I take. Every step I took walking up the stairs felt like they were stabbing me with a knife. 

I was able to get through with my first lecture for the day. I was barely even concentrating, I felt like clawing at the eyes of the lecturer till there was blood every where.

God, my period gives me negative thoughts. Sorry professor Williams.

I wasn't always like this on my period so I don't know what's up now. I have too much on my mind and my period is making it all worse.

I had an hour left before my next class so I just decided to go under that tree and wait there.

I walked out of the department building and made my way to the tree.

I sat down there, with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. I took a sip from it before setting it down beside me. I took a book out of my bag. I'm going to spend my free time reading, After. I had read it before though, during the summer but I'm reading it again. It was my favorite book so far.

At some point it was very annoying and I felt like killing the characters but then I continued reading and gosh I enjoyed every bit of it.

As I opened the book to start reading, my phone rang. I took it out of my bag to see the caller.


I hit accept, "Hey seb. "

"Hey baby. " he asked, "where are you? "

"I'm sitting under that tree close to the ice cream stand, why? "

"You okay? "

"Yeah sure. " I lied. "Why you asking me this? "

"Well I ran into Tasha earlier and she told me about your problem. " he said. "You sure you're good? " he asked again.

"I'm fine Seb." But the sharp pain in my stomach said other wise and I winced.

"You aren't fine Lils. I'll be there soon." He said and hung up.

Thank you cramp for making everything worse.

Its not like I didn't want to see him, I just wanted space to get my shit together. With Cole around, everything is shitty now and I can't even get him out of my head and its fucked up. I sat there waiting for Seb to come. I was getting impatient to be honest.

Time passed and Seb wasn't here yet and my class was about to start. I gathered my things in my bag and stood up, I felt a very sharp pain in my lower abdomen as I was walking that I almost lost my balance. Shit.

It felt absolutely horrible and I fucking took pain killers, so what the hell. It felt like I was beat up. I fell and clung to the floor because I couldn't stand anymore.

Tasha was right, I should've stayed home.

"Lils? " I heard Seb call out.

"I'm here. " I said in pain. It was very difficult to do anything right now, even speak. He rushed over to my side and knelt beside me, stroking my hair.  It calmed me a little bit.

"You look far from okay Lils. " he said frowning.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious." I fired back.

He sighed. " I'm sorry. " I felt guilty kind of cos he came here for me and I was snapping at him.

"No problem. " I managed to say.

He pulled me up from the floor and I was standing, I almost fell so I held unto his arm for support. "Can you walk? " he asked.

"I can. " I said to him. Seb picked up all my things and slung my bag on his shoulder.

"Let's get going. "

"Yeah. " I replied but my eyes landed on the two people behind him.


He was there but with someone else, some red haired girl. My eyes were fixed on them and he leaned towards her, claiming her lips. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. This scene reminded me of when I first saw him kissing Nichole and it felt horrible and now I'm seeing him kiss someone else and I feel a hundred times worse.

Why did I feel like this? Why was I hurting? I have no feelings for him anymore so I shouldn't care what he does. When am I going to stop lying to myself?

He broke off the kiss and his eyes met mine, he was boring holes into me. All of a sudden I was finding it hard to breathe. Why do you affect me this much Cole?

His eyes went back to the red haired girl and they walked away. I stood there looking at them before they were out of sight. I felt like shit and it wasn't only because of the pains in my stomach.

Only when Seb spoke up that I looked at him. I totally forgot he was standing here.

"Babe? Is something wrong? " he asked, looking behind him.

"No. " I said, faking a smile. "Let's just go. " he placed his hand in mine and led me to his car.

After summer Where stories live. Discover now