Chapter 11: Will You Be My Boyfriend?

Start from the beginning

“Won’t it hurt?” I ask him.

“Don’t worry I will hold your hand the whole time” he said.

Zayn POV:

We left the parlour with the top of our back’s wrapped in a protective layer of plastic over our fresh tattoo’s. Liam convinced me to get them in a place his parent’s couldn’t see them. They would freak out he said if they knew we went out to get tattoo’s. I told him on the drive home if they ask where we went to tell them we went out for lunch.

When Liam and I got hope we decided to work on our project for music, us both singing parts, doing the chorus together, and him playing the guitar. This performance will for sure get us both A’s we were amazing.

Later that night there was bigger news to be shared at dinner, knews I really wasn’t aware of.

“Attention everyone!” Liam said clinking his cup with a fork. He made whatever he was going to say sound like a royal announcement, it was quite entertaining.

“You have the floor” his dad says winking at me. I raise an eyebrow, what was going on? Troian was asleep by the couch in the next room and I could here the faint buzzing of the AC. Liam waited until it was completely quiet to move on in his announcement.

“I have already talked to my parents about this Zayn and I just need an answer from you. They have granted permission, I just need you to accept the offer.”

“Accept? Wait what? What am I accepting? Tell me Liam?” I whined.

Liam turned to me and held both of my hands in his.

“Zayn, will you be my boyfriend?”


Liam frowned, he thought I was going to freeze up.

“Of course Liam! It’s what I want most right now! How could you ever suspect I would say no?”

“I wouldn’t I knew you would say yes!” he said cheekily as his parents both awed at us embracing.

“I just want to thank you all again for letting me stay here, I don’t know what would have happened to me if you guys didn’t accept me as part of your family.”

“It’s all good Zayn, as long as when you and my little Liam get married you become Zayn Payne it is all good” Mrs. Payne says.

“Hahaha sure thing!” I grin.

After dinner Liam and I cleared the table and decided to head to bed early for school, I decided it would be best if we got our rest. Tonight I was sleeping on the bottom bunk in the bed Liam usually slept in and he was on the top. The pillows and sheets smelled like him, how I wish he was down here holding me.

“So your mom calls you little Liam?” I ask looking up at his bunk.

“Yeah it is sort of embarrassing” he says.

“Judging by the surprise you gave me this morning little Liam isn’t so little if you know what I mean.” He gasped and tried swatting me with his hand but he  couldn’t reach me.

“Good night Zaynie, sweet dreams!” he said yawning.

“Goodnight boyfriend” I said, I liked the sound of that, I could get used to it. Liam Payne was my boyfriend.

AAAAWWWEE! They are finally an item! if you have any suggestions or thought feel free to COMMENT also if you would like please VOTE, and if you dare BECOME A FAN!!! Have a great day everyone, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Diamond In The Rough (Ziam Fanfic AU) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now