Chapter 61: You're Joking, Right?

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It takes everything in me not to yell at Niall. He is clearly mad about me talking to Jake. Niall has no right to be upset. The car ride with Niall is painfully quiet. Neither of us know what to say or do. That is until Niall pulls up to his office.

"What are we doing here?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm just running in to grab a few things. I will be gone five minutes, well more like ten minutes tops. I need to account for the elevator rides. Do you want to come with me?"

"You're joking, right?"

"No. If I'm being honest I'm a little worried you won't be here when I come back." Niall does look worried.


"I'm not going in there, especially after how I acted the last time I was here." I can't face those people again. "And there is a possibility I will knock out your stupid receptionists."

"I fired the Bobbsey Twins. I have one receptionist that you would really like." Niall smiles at me. "And the lads would love to see you."

"Niall, please don't make me." I hate that I'm pleading with him.

"I'm not going to make you." Niall takes a deep breath. "Please be here when I come back."

"I have no where else to go." I look away, because I can't handle Niall's fake look of worry. "I need to call my boss and my parents anyways."

"Right. Well I will hurry." Niall stares at me and seems to be waiting for something. After an awkward two minutes he nods his head. "Be back in a bit."

I pick up my phone and call my boss first. She answers on the third ring. I was hoping she wouldn't pick up and I could leave a voicemail.

"Hello Veronica. How is London?" Her voice is deep and it's always a bit unsettling.

"Hey Tausha, London is, well, London. I have a bit of bad news." I don't know how to tell her this since she doesn't know about Niall. All she knows is that I was getting a divorce. "The judge thinks we are rushing into things and wants us to live together and be a married couple for three months."

"You are young, of course you are rushing into things. You rushed into a marriage and now you are rushing into a divorce. Its normal." I can hear her typing something. "Are you calling to tell me that you are quitting?"

"I don't want to quit, but how am I supposed to work from London?"

I work for a women's magazine. It covers fashion, health, wealth, celebrity gossip, and relationships. I have been pitching an idea for a political section. Just a small tidbit each month so everyone knows what is going on. Instead I write about celebrity gossip. Its a complete bore, but its a good paying job.

"Veronica, I like you. I like your spunk. I don't want to lose you, so pitch me a new idea that you can do from London." Tausha says throwing me off guard.

I rack my brain for anything. Nothing pops up. So I throw out, "I could talk about British things."

"What if each month you tell us what's going on in England. For some reason, Americans are obessed with the U.K. Keep us up to date on the royal family and whatever else happens," Tausha adds.

"You will let me write about the royal family? Isn't that a political topic?" This thought excites me.

"Don't get too political, but you can mention what things they are doing, but focus on the drama." Tausha sounds excited. "We will have a page dedicated to London."

"Wow, that's amazing. Thank you so much." The topic isn't the most exciting, but to have a page to myself is exciting. People would kill for this.

"Or you could write about your relationship. That would be interesting. Give us updates for the next three months. You could even turn it into a fictional story. No one has to know its about you or we could just keep you anonymous." Tausha acts nonchalant.

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