Chapter 9: I Am a Safe Driver

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I stare at the text Niall sent me.

*I had my mate's girl pick out some dresses for you. Its okay if you don't like them, but hopefully they will give you an idea. The store is called House of CB.*

"Jill are you ready to go shopping?" I ask annoyed.

We were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago, but Jill has been talking to Dave for the last thirty minutes. I don't know what they are talking about. They talked on the phone last night for like three hours. All Jill has done since then is sleep and I'm pretty sure Dave went to sleep a few hours later. Is this what being married is?

"Okay, we have to go." Jill finally starts to say goodbye. "I love you, bye." Jill hangs up her phone and looks at me. "Let's go shopping! By the way, are you the shopping kind of girl or do you hate it?"

"Its fun when I'm with friends or my sisters and not a time crunch." The shopping we do today will not be fun. "I am probably going to be my typical stressed out neurotic self."

"What a joy." Jill raises her eyebrows and walks to her door. She grabs her purse and then looks at me. "Let's go shop until we drop."

I follow behind her as we walk down the hall to the elevator. Timing is perfect and the elevator doors open just as we approach it. An older couple gets out and then Jill and I step into the elevator. Jill presses the lobby button and the doors close.

"How is New York doing?" This is as close as I will ever get to asking about Dave.

"Nothing has changed much. Dave is very stressed out about work. I guess the New York Times has been beating us to every good story. Dave is really relying on you to get this story." Jill looks extremely concerned. "Dave told me not to tell you this, but-"

Jill is cut off by the elevator dinging and then the doors opening. We walk through the lobby in silence. We both know that talking about this in public could give us problems in the future. We wait until we are inside the car. A car that Jill bought just a few days ago. She was tired of taking a taxi and she refused to use any other form of public transportation.

"What are Dave's concerns?" I ask to bring us back on topic.

"Dave knows some people who work here in London and know Niall. They saw him with one of his receptionists. Niall seemed a little too close and comfortable with her." Jill tells me cautiously.

"We have only gone on one date and that was yesterday." I shrug my shoulders. "No big deal."

"He was seen with her last night after your date." Jill studies me to try and get a reaction.

"He told me he had to go back to work." I feel disappointed, but I don't know why. I was told that Niall was a monster. I spent one day with him and thought he was different. That's stupid of me. "Well, we shouldn't be surprised."

I pull out my phone and stare at it. Once again I look at the text Niall sent me. He sent it this morning at six a.m. Even though he was with another girl, he still wants me at the party. What kind of game is he playing? Maybe he is just using me as a cover to date this girl. That could actually work in my favor. I'm sure I could still get important information from him.

"You need to really dazzle him at the party." Jill says like I don't know.

"I know." I take a deep breath. "I will dazzle him."

The rest of drive is filled with me listening to Jill. She tells me all the things I should do on my date with Niall. Everything she says is stupid. It makes me sound like a weak pathetic girl who needs a guy in her life. Do guys really need to feel inferior and needed by a woman? If so, they are the pathetic ones.

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