Chapter 8: Fake Number

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You guys 😂🤣 I wrote this chapter a month ago. After I watched the carpool karaoke of Niall a few days ago I about died of laughter at the pigeon part. I had no clue that Niall was scared of pigeons. That fact makes this chapter so much funnier.  I hope you enjoy it! What are your thoughts on Niall's new album? I'm a big fan of it. I can't even pick a favorite song haha.

Please comment, vote, and share with your friends!


"Where did you bring me?" I ask as I try to look at the many different things.

"Trafalgar Square." The way Niall answers me makes me turn and look at him. He sounds bothered and annoyed.

Crap. He noticed me wanting distance.

"Why is this one of your favorite places?" I need to step up my flirting game.

"There is so much to do. Lots of people, music, and street artists. This place just comes to life." Niall looks around. "This place used to be surrounded with pigeons, but they are all gone now."

"You sound sad about that." Why would he miss pigeons?

"My buddies and I use to chase them," Niall laughs.

"How old were you guys?" My mind pictures a young Niall running around. "Wait, you moved here when you were sixteen."

"Boys mature slower than girls, okay!" Niall blushes in embarrassment.

"Oh no!" I start laughing. "How was that fun?"

"We would try to get them to poop on other people," Niall admits.

"Ew! You were a punk!" Why are boys so gross?

"Were?" Niall raises an eyebrow. "I am still very much a punk."

"You know what? Here is a penny. Let's go make a wish for the pigeons to come back." I pull two pennies out of my purse.

Niall takes one penny out of my hand and walks over to the closest fountain. We both turn our backs to the fountain. We look at each other for a second, then we throw the pennies into the fountain. I hear a small splash and turn around.

"What did you wish for?" Niall asks and I notice that he is a lot closer now.

Deep breath. He is just a dumb guy.

"I wished for the pigeons to come back," I joke.

"I'm sure you did." Niall stares at me. His eyes searching for an answer. "Will you tell me your real wish?"

"Maybe if you're lucky." This time I wink and then walk off. "Come along, Niall."

Niall effortlessly catches up to me and we walk for what feels like hours. Just looking at the many different things to see. The fountains, the many different statues and structures, and Nelson's Column. Niall tells me different facts about this area. I'm surprised at how much I enjoy myself. Before we leave Niall gets us hot chocolates and those large salted pretzels from a little food cart. Niall said food carts are hardly ever here.

We walk back to where we entered the square. To my surprise, the taxi we were in is waiting for us. How long has he been waiting? I don't know how long we were there. Hell, I don't even know the time. As we get close to the taxi and driver gets out of his car.

"Hey, no food or drink in the car." He snaps at us.

"Are you sure? A large tip may be involved." Niall bribes the driver.

I shouldn't be shocked, but I am. Niall apparently throws his money around to get what he wants. I mean if you have the money you can, but I still can't wrap my head around it. I have never been swimming in money like Niall though.

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