My love come true (special)

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It has been 4 years since I last saw him... The love of my life.. are you doing fine there?

Are you still looking over me?....

I said in my thoughts as I look at a beautiful scenery. Wind blowing my hair backwards as I look at the sky thinking about you. "Hinata it's time, let's go!"

"I'll be right there!" I walk back to my boyfriend and hugged his arm "what are you thinking about" he chuckled I looked at him and said "you really are the savior of my darkest days...."

He pecked my forehead and said "I'm sure tobio-chan planned this..." I looked at him and said "but maybe he's jealous? Is he?" He hummed and said "maybe he is jealous but I know he's happy seeing you happy."

I smiled at him as we got in the car. I looked at the window and thought it has been 2 years since you left me in this world.... How are you tobio? Are you happy that I got together with Tooru? Did you plan this?

I close my eyes as I repeat what happebed two years ago

"Shoyo.... I think we should break up..." He said looking at he's feet "B-but why Tobio! D-did I do something? W-we can fix it! I can change! But please don't leave me.... please... Tobio.." I said as I look at him grabbing both of his hands.

"I don't feel it anymore.... Shoyo its best if we end it here... Im sorry..." He shook my hands of and started walking back I saw him mumble "I'm sorry..."

I cried for days... Weeks... And now for a month. I've been very depressed ever since then.. and finally I left my house only greeted by Yamaguchi "hey... Hinata... Have you visited Kageyama yet?" He said.

I look at him trying not to tear up becuase I heard his name again. I look at Yamaguchi and said "w-what d-do you mean??" He looks at me suprised and he said "do you know...." I thought to myself 'do I know what?? What happened to Tobio??' "w-what d-do I k-know??" I tried not to stutter but miserably failed.

"He's got cancer for 2 months...." He mumbled my eyes went wide as i heard it 'cancer? Did I hear that right? Impossible! Tobio seems fine when I last saw him... A month ago...' I started to tear up and i started running.

"WAIT! H-HINATA WHERE ARE YIU GOING!" Yamaguchi shouted but I did not respond. I continued running and finally I reached the hospital. I asked the Receptionist "is there anyone here named Kageyama Tobio?" Panting in between words.

The nurse said yes and told his room. And I quickly ran to find his room and when I saw it.. I was nervous... My hands are shaking... 'its not true right? He's okay right? He's okay....' I opened the door and finally heard his voice.

"O Nee-chan did you bring the things I nee-" he stopped when he saw me. He then said "W-what are y-you doing here Shoyo!" I ran to him and started light punching his chest.

And I started saying "IDOIT! IDIOT! TOBIO YOU IDIOT!" I cried on his chest and I stopped punching he's chest. He rubbed circles around my back and he weakly said "I'm sorry... Shoyo I'm sorry..."

"You could've told me... I could have helped you.... Why... Why...." I said still crying to his chest "I'm sorry... Shoyo... I'm sorry..." He started crying and I looked at him. His appearance changed... He's got a beanie on he's head... Maybe he's hair is already gone...

I kissed his lips and I got him by surprise but he kissed back. And starting from that day I visit him everyday and I come to hospital when school is done.

We play games, insult eachother, reminisce our past.. rememebering what we have done.. making him a new hat because I learned how to Knit and saying I love you, giving kisses to eachother.

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