The encounter caused another kid to step out of line and try to grab his own piece of meat. Bellamy quickly punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. He looked up to Murphy, their jaws both set. Their gaze turned over to Avery King, who was eating pieces of meat off of the stick.

She made eye contact with Bellamy. Her gaze dared him to do something about this. Her chin tilted upwards and a small smirk came onto her lips when he did nothing. She was in control. The irony was present in her smile. 

King had the king wrapped around her finger. 


"The grounders cauterized the wound." Clarke said, while she and Avery applied more water to Jasper's cuts the next morning. "Saved his life."

"Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait." Finn reminded her.

"This is infected." Clarke pointed to a cut in the center of his chest, which did not look good. "He could be sceptic. Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark?" She asked Monty, who was sitting in the corner of the dropship.

"Monty." Avery said loudly, when he didn't answer Clarke's question. Without Jasper there to split them up, the two geniuses were getting on each other's nerves.

"That would be a firm no." He replied, quickly and went back to his project. Clarke looked pained. She knew her mother would know what to do in this situation.

"How's he doing?" Wells asked, as he came down from a higher level of the dropship.

"How does it look like he's doing?" Avery snapped at him. Wells moved away from her a little bit, while Clarke just gave her a look.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help." He told her.

"Well you're not doing a very good job of it." Avery said in a very annoyed tone. She stood up. "I need some air."

She walked down to the lower floor of the dropship to find a very pissed looking Octavia walking away from Atom. She grabbed her best friend by the arm before she could leave the dropship.

"O." She addressed her seriously. "What's up?"

"Bellamy is what's up." She said. She was definitely pissed. "I think he did something to Atom."

"What?" Avery looked confused, and then it clicked. "Oh, he caught you making out didn't he?"


"Well then, yeah. That seems like a logical explanation." Octavia shrugged and nodded at her. Octavia walked out of the dropship to find her brother. Avery wasn't far behind her.

Octavia opened the tent flap to Bellamy's tent, where he and Murphy were discussing something.

"What did you do to Atom?" She asked. Avery stood in the doorway, watching the situation with interest. She wanted to see what Octavia would do. She was there in case she needed backup. Bellamy and Murphy made eye contact, and Murphy stood up and walked past Avery and out of the tent. Bellamy cleared his throat.

"Atom's fine." He said.

"Then why did he blow me off?" Octavia asked her brother. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe he's just not interested- "

"You can't keep everyone away from me." Octavia was almost yelling at her brother.

"Atom had to learn." Bellamy started. "You disobey me. You pay the price. He paid the price, now we're good."

"Now I'm paying the price." Octavia responded. "So, next time you decide to go on a power trip, leave me out of it." She stormed past Avery and out of the tent. It was silent for a moment.

"Bellamy." Avery said, in a scolding tone.

"What?" He asked her, trying to sound annoyed. Instead, a small smile crept on to his face. She gave him a little smile back.

"I know you want to protect her, but let her live a little. So, she likes Atom? At least it's someone you know, someone you trust." Avery moved closer to Bellamy and put her hand on his shoulder. "You've got to let her go, Bellamy. You're not going to be able to protect her forever."

He looked annoyed at Avery after she said that, causing her to put her hands up in defeat. She took a step back and smirked.

"Plus, we both know you weren't mad at Atom last night. You were mad at me." She grinned at him, and he was about to say something witty back when they heard loud screaming coming from the dropship. Jasper. They both took off running towards it.

"Stop it! You're killing him." Avery heard Octavia yell as she and Bellamy climbed up the dropship ladder.

"She's trying to save his life." Finn responded, defending Clarke.

"She can't." Bellamy said from behind Avery. They'd both just arrived on the floor.

"What?" Avery snapped, angrily. "Bellamy."

"Back off." Wells stood up and addressed Bellamy.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die." Clarke responded to Bellamy.

"Kid's a goner." Bellamy said, getting a nasty glare from Avery. "If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy." Avery moved closer to Bellamy so that their faces were inches apart.

"I. Don't. Care." She said, power dripping from her voice.

"Sorry if Jasper's life is an inconvenience to you," Clarke said angrily. "But this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters."

"Take a look at him." Bellamy said. "He's a lost cause."

Avery turned towards him again, and she was pissed.

"Get out." She told him. "Get out, now." And he did. But not before turning around and speaking to her again.


She just stared at him.

"Come hunting with me."

It was silent for a moment, all eyes on her and Bellamy. They wanted to see what she would do. She needed to kill something, and Bellamy knew that taking her anger out on dinner was better than snapping at everyone like she'd done all morning.

She nodded her head.

She needed a distraction from this situation, and she knew she wouldn't be of any more help here. She walked towards Bellamy and he held the dropship door open for her.

"Octavia." He said. "Let's go."

"I'm staying here," She replied, helping Clarke put more bandages on Jasper. Avery nodded at her, and she nodded back. Then, she and Bellamy walked out of the dropship. 

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