Chapter 10 : Secret To Keep

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Rosé's POV

I was gettimg readu for the day. It's been a week after that. I only spend my time with Taehyung.

Then I saw something that made my heart beat up fast

Then I saw something that made my heart beat up fast

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It's a key. Not really a key but a Keychain that is design like a key. And it turns in to a knife.

Wanna know a secret?

Not everything you see is real. Not just because your friends say they they know the person doesn't mean they truly know them. Like me. Act innocent? Hmp that's the best talent I have. Act sweet? Hmp. That's also one of my best talent. But yeah I'm a little sweet I guess

Acting like a good girl is no joke. Pretending to not know something is no joke. It's hard you know.

Why am I doing this? My mom didn't really used dad. She was killed and that's what I want to know. How is she killed.

A week ago crying all day is no joke. I'll see my dad monthly. Well secretly!

Even my brother doesn't know. Only Lisa. She's one of the person I trust the most. The person that understands me the most. She supports me in everything.

But Taehyung? Oh please... Fuck I'm slowly fallung this will he a huge distraction. I just wish I can trust him. But maube I have trust issues after my ex.

I dont het him. He said I'm important to him but I still feel I'm not worth for his time.

I'm also doing this for revenge. Revenge for him. I'm also planning on having a little glow up. Just a little.

Maybe dying my hair blonde?

Yeah that's pretty cute!

Why am I acting innocent? So people won't think I'm the one doing it if I show my true side.

And Taehyung? I already know he's the future mafia boss. I know we feel the same. I can sense it. Maybe he thinks he'll protect me but I'm the one who's going to protect him. I need to. Someone hates me amd mom so much and kills mom and now targeting me after they knew how 'innocent' I was.

I wasn't surprised by Lisa coming out from the window

"do you think we'll still he the same after he knew?" I ask

"Of course. If you love someone truly you'll accept who they are" Lisa said

Whem I remember Taehyung again only one sentence can describe it

"I broke my rules for him" I whisper to my self

I said I will focus on investigating on what happen to mom but here I am slowly falling for him

I'm falling for him not knowing if he'll catch me or not.

"are you okay?" Lisa ask after she notices that I zoned out. I shook mybhead and face her

"I'm not okay" I bitterly smiled "but it's okay" I added.

Who cares if I'm not okay I'm a great pretender duh!


Again here I am wity Taehyung. We're here in a restaurant with my friends.

I felt guilty. Will he still accept me after he knew who I am?

"you're so cute" He said

"you look cute too" I honestly said. I don't need to be nervous that thinking he'll think thatbI loke him. I'm like tgis to everyone he know that.

But maybe I act more differently towards him.

He kiss me in the forehead and my friends squealing like an idiot.

Will we still be the same after you knew who I really am?

I innocently looked at him and he just feed me food.

I have a lot of secret that only Lisa knows.

And those are secrets to keep


Is that what you call innocent and sweet? Huh?!

That's hotsé!

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