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Liam's POV

I immediately ran to my car 'cause i know Jennie will ran after me...well maybe?why would she i know she wouldnt dare to chase me...







Well yeah she doesnt love me anymore because if she love me why would she cheat?

Thinking her make me hurt...Why would she cheat?did i do something wrong?am i not enough?

I drive and drive...i dont know where to go...

I stop my car and cry punch the steering wheel...I dont know...Im getting crazy...I cant live without her and our son?what about our son she will abandon him?what about me?....



Liam was crying for 4hours straight because he dont know what to do...

He was still thinking what happend...why did this all happend?

While jennie's finding liam and leave kai in the house...she didnt know what to do...she was scared,scared that something might happend to him...

So she dialed one of his friends...

Hello kookie is liam with you?

No.Why?he said that he will fetch awhile ago...why are asking me?i should be the one who will ask you...

Kookie plss help me find liam...I cant find him.I dont know what to do.Plss i'll explain your friend lets meet...

Ok we'll be there...

End of the call

Jungkook's POV

Why does jennie call me?and where the hell did liam came?

I went to the living room and call my hyungs well bangtan boys live in one roof except liam because he have a family which is we understand...

"Hyungs we need to meet jennie"i told them and they stop playing and turn their heads on me

"Why?"all of them ask me at the same time

"Because i dont know!and she said that liam is missing!she didnt told me whats the reason"i told them

"But why?"V said

"I dont know!"

"But why didnt she tell you?"Jhon said

"I dont know!"

"But-"hobbie was about to ask but i cut him off

The Day That I've Meet you(Jenliam)Where stories live. Discover now