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Liam's POV

I was happy knowing that jennie allow me to court her to the point that i could die...hahah char

Few Months ago

Jennie's POV

Im here sitting on my bed while thinking about kai.I think I love kai now.I dont love liam anymore like what i said i wont fall inlove with a playboy

As time goes by i learn to love kai,but i pity liam when he ask me to go on a date i kept on refusing him

Third POV

Yes,as time goes by Jennie kept on ignoring liam's presence whenver liam ask jennie a date,jennie keep's on refusing him that made him sad

Today liam is going to school with a happy face.of course he's happy cause he cant wait to see his "Nini"

When he reach the parking lot he park his car and walking towards the his class

He was walking on the hallway when he saw a lot of student forming a circle.He got curious so he joined...

He was so shock when he so the love of his life with kai kneeling down having a roses in his hand and ask

"Jennie rubyjane Kim,I know its been months since we know each other and i've been courting you for 5 months so...Jennie Kim will you be my girlfriend?"Kai ask

Liam's POV

Jennie rubyjane Kim,I know its been months since we know each other and i've been courting you for 5 months so...Jennie Kim will you be my girlfriend?"Kai ask jennie

'Pls...say no.say no...plss"

"Yes!"Jennie said while nodding her head and tears running down to her beautiful face

The two hug each other then i spoke

"Well i think kai won...Yeah that's why you keep on refusing my date because kai?Im so happy congrats"i said while holding back my tears

"Thank you"kai said with a smirk on his face then i turn my head to jennie

"Why him?huh?why him?it should be me jennie!It should be me but you let your self to fall in this jerk behind you?are you blind?You love this womanizer?"I said sarcastic then i felt a hand landed on my face that made everyone gasped

"You know nothing liam and mind your fucking business,thats the first and second,Dont assume that i can love because never!i never love you because i wont love a fucking playboy,a playboy who fuck a random girls at the bar.and please back off will you?"She said that made my heart broke in a million piece

"Ok...I wont"i said and turn my head to kai"Pls take care of her dont hurt her or else"i said and laugh

"I better go bye"i bid my goodbye and run to the school garden at the backyard

And punch the tree

Sandara's POV

I was walking through the hallway when i saw my brother got slapped by jennie...They we're talking when i saw my brother backout i immediately follow him when i saw him at the school garden and punching the tree

I immadiately ran to him and hug him at back so he could stop...

He stop punching the tree and cry on my shoulder i knew his squad was on our back watching us

"Liam calm down plss"i said as i held back my tears it hurts me when his hurt

"Liam plss calm down"i repeated so he would calm down but no i can feel his heart beating so fast

The Day That I've Meet you(Jenliam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora