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Jennie's POV

When i saw liam pass out in the ground i immediately ran to him.

"Liam!liam!wake up!"i said while slapping hus face.

All of them circled us.Liams coach check if his still breathing

'Well ofcourse he's still breathing,as if he will leave me here hangging.No fucking way!'

"Liam!See you resistance is still yet you wont belive me.Come on i know your awake.Stop pretending ok?Now go up!we still have a practice"coach shouted at him

"You Mark!help him!"coach shouted to mark...

Why did their coach is shouting their not deaf though...

"Liam stand up or else your skin will burn"he said and all of us laugh

"Will liam hate it when his skin turn into black hahaha"Bear said and made all of burts in laughter

"No let me help him"i said and smiled at him

"Come on stand up!liam-shii"i said making stand up

"Ahhh!!"liam groan that made me alarm

"Liam-sshii are you ok?did something happend?are you hurt?"I ask panicking

"Ahhh!Ahh lab you!"he said then smiled

"Yah!stop joking!will you?"i said as i smack his head

"Aww...what was that for?"he ask

"For being corny"i said and roll my eyes
to him

"I have to go babe before the coach scold me again for being late"he said and kiss my forehead then cheeks

"Go"i said hidding my blushing face

"Yieee our jendukie is blushing.For the fist time in life...Even when he was in kai i didnt even saw her blushing"Dahyun said

"Yah!stop it!"i said but they didnt stop instead they tease me more...

Sometimes im thinking why are they my friends again?

Hahaha charr

Liam's POV

A while ago,yes its true that i passed out a minute not that long...hahaha

I just want to pretend to see if jennie care for me but yes i succeed i saw how she panic when she saw me passed out

She so cute promise i wanna pinch her mandu cheeks.Hahaha By the way
Our coach give us a break...

I was drinking when Jennie give me a water

"Thank you"i said and she give me her gummy smile

While drinking i felt her hand on my neck.Wiping my sweat?Maybe...

I ignore it for awhile then her hands came to my face wiping my sweat.I look at her and smile..

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