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Check the chap22 update

Liam's Pov

I woke up with her by my side.Im used to this cause i know she will always be on the kitchen cooking for breakfast.Now i made up my mind.I'll start courting her.I know my silence hurt her the most,I feel sorry for her.I know she regret it,i want to hug her whenever i see her tearing up or crying.

I went down to check the kitchen when i saw no one.Hmm maybe she's at the backyard doing the laundry.I check and there's none.She is not in the livingroom either.Maybe on Yohan's room.

I went to check but she isn't here?I was about to go back in our room when i heared the doorbell.I open the door when.

"Goodmorning!"I saw minyoung with her bright smile

"Morning.What are you doing here?Oh come in"

"Uhmm Jennie sent me a message yesterday that i'll stay here to watch you and yohan"She said.Wait...Jennie?where did she go?

I ran to our room and check our closet when i saw nothing but a letter.I open the letter and i dont know what to say.


    Im sorry if i have to leave.Im sorry for being coward.Im sorry if im not strong enough to fight.Im sorry for destroying our supposed to be perfect relationship.Im sorry that i lack on something,Im sorry for everything.Im sorry i have to leave.Im tired.Im super tired.I don't know what to do.Im super tired.Im tired pushing myself to you.Im tired crying all night.Im tired living in the house where i feel like a shadow.Im tired living in this goddamn earth while everyone hates me.Im sorry i got tired but that doesn't mean im tired of loving you because i don't.

I just want to disappear where no one can see me.I want to leave this earth because i have no reason to live.I have to go.I have to watch you being happy with her.I want to watch you and Yohan being happy with her taking care of you,making you happy.I want you to live a happy life with her.I want you to have a woman who can love you the most than i do.I want you to love her more than you loved me.I want you to have a family that you've been dreaming of.

I really want to even if that should be me.Im happy that you're smiling when you're with her.Im happy that Yohan sees her as his mom.Im happy super.Don't mind me.I know when you read this you'll say no or whatever but please.Don't find me.Just tell yohan that im not his mom.Tell him that im just a nanny,because i know i have never been a mother to him.I don't deserve the two of you.

I know you've been waiting for me to sign the divorce paper and its in your study.What happen to me is not your fault but it is no ones fault.Im sorry if i have to leave.I hope you,your friends,your parent will forgive me.Cause mine doesn't anyway i should stop right there.Hehehe

Be happy and i'll find you in another life.In another life i hope you'll find me to be your woman as same as you are my man.

                                  Your EX wife Jennie

I-i dont know what to say.Did i really hurt her that much?Am i a bad person?i dont know but i immediately went to study room and saw the neatly placed paper on my desk when you can see her signature beside mine.

Fuck!why did i sign that one?I dont know but i burst into tears.I dont know what to say.

3rd Pov

Minyoung went to the kitchen and cook for the father and son's breakfast.She was about to place them in the table when the doorbell rang nonstop

She immediately open the door when she saw Jennie and liam's friends.She made them comein and say on the livingroom

Their friends sat and ask about Jennie.

"Wheres Jennie?and are you here?"Rosè asked

"I dont know.Jennie texted me lastnight that i stay here.Why?Why are you here too?"she ask back being confused too

"I-"Irene was about to answer when liam cut him off

"She isn't here.She left"He said in a cold voice

They dont know what to answer.The room become silent when a doorbell broke their silence

Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim came in with worried face.When they saw Jennie's friends Mrs.Kim become nervous.

"Why are you here?Wheres Jennie?Have you recieve a message too?"Mrs.Kim said in a nervous tone

"Yes"all of them answered in chorus then liam came

"Jennie isn't here.She left.She said she's tired.She said all of you hate her.She doesn't deserve to be in this world,She have no reason to be alive.Be happy and don't find her as what she said.I can't contact her.I know she's stubborn go find her!excuse me"He said in the coldiest tone and throw them the letter and left

They read the letter and all of them teared of specially Jennie's parent and friends.

"We don't hate you jennie we're just disappointed"Rosè said and cry

Fastforward weeks later

They search,They search but found nothing.They cant tract her or anything

Jennie did a goodjob from her hiding.On the other side Jennie is thinking like "Are they trying to find me?" "Do they missed me?" Nah they don't care about me anyway

Jennie's Pov

By the way im here in the US doing my
leukemia chemotherapy.I just found out when months ago and no one knows. now that im on stage3 i need to leave.I'll be gone soon.I hope everyone is doing okay.


She smiled while a drop of tears fell om her cheeks and took a rest.

An:Short Update for y'all:)

The Day That I've Meet you(Jenliam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora