Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"

Start from the beginning

Emma:I don't think so...I wouldn't mind obviously still hurts, knowing that he doesn't trust me...I guess that's where our relationship went a bit downhill...but I have nothing against his partner, I think they're a great person but I doubt we'll have any contact since Danny would just make either of us leave if it's important

Mr.Kendall:If it makes you comfortable, then you should give your support to Danny and his partner, your family wouldn't have to know and Danny could have more trust on you knowing that you're willing to support them

Emma:...maybe...but I feel like he'll get protective when I tell him that I know...and I don't know how his partner will react...but given from what I saw they seem to have mixed feelings for Danny, I saw how they bring them down out of anger and Danny just accepting it...

Mr.Kendall:You saw? How do you know that?

Emma:(I can trust him right? I'm trusting him enough to tell him about Danny...)
Actually I saw their memo-

Ms.Cruikshank:Congratulations Emma, another perfect score
*she spoke with a smile as she stood in the doorway, Mr.Kendall was glad while Emma was shocked while Cruikshank walked to class*

Mr.Kendall:You heard that Emma? You did it!

Emma:No I didn't...I left a few questions blank


Emma:...I'm sorry
*Kendall had stood up from his chair and walked to the headmistress's office, he barged in that didn't frightened Ms.Cruikshank and looked at him calmly*

Ms.Cruikshank:Yes Mr.Kendall? How can I help you?

Mr.Kendall:Where's Emma's test? There's no way she could have gotten the right answers again, you know that don't you?

Ms.Cruikshank:I acknowledge your concern but what difference does it make if it makes her father happy?


Ms.Cruikshank:Mr.Kendall, Emma's father has graciously donated money to this school and had called earlier today so I have to look the other way to this


Ms.Cruikshank:Ian Kendall. Accept this and ignore this, unless you think you can go up against the Frosts, and don't forget her fiancé please, ignore it


Emma:*she had stood beside the doorway of the headmistress's office as she had her bag in hand, she clenches it in anger as she had overheard the conversation*
(That old man...does he think he can control me and think little of me?...Danny would never do this...forget it, I'll handle this on my own...)


Danny had slightly opened his eyes from his nap and sees the room already darkened, he instantly sat up on the bed and looks around and sees the lamp from the other side of the bed where Peter was sitting and using his computer. He looks at the clock beside the lamp and had sighed in relief knowing he only slept for an hour and was still time for the dance that was an hour away. He thought to himself that Peter was downstairs and he should start getting ready, he had stood up from the bed getting ready to walk out until the door had opened that revealed Peter with his blown dried hair and his shorts. Peter turns on the light by the light switch beside him and had turned pale with a collected expression but was still deeply annoyed as he sees Danny red and notices him staring at his bare chest and look away.

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