hanta sero x reader

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The Sero lookalike had much less effort put into it. The wig was messy and lopsided, the shoulder pads where upside down and the suit itself was a cling body suit. The helmet was a spray painted motorcycle helmet, you could tell it was spray painted from the uneven streaks and the lack of gloss varnish coating the paint job. You couldn't quite see the boots so you just turn back to looking at the drink board. You snort to yourself, they were probably on their way to the ceremony much like you and your boyfriend were. It seemed like an easy enough cosplay, but you guessed that when compared to the real thing nothing could ever match up to your Hanta.

You simply smile to yourself in mild amusement as you look back at the selection. Your smile fades as you find out that your brain hadn't made a decision yet.

"Excuse me."

You look to your left at the sudden presence that appeared next to you and you nearly jumped. The Sero cosplayer had shown up next to you.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm just in a rush and I needed to grab a couple drinks for me and my friend." She explains quickly, she pats the motorcycle helmet at her side before throwing a thumb at her friend who was chatting with the cashier at the front of the store.

"It's no problem, go ahead." You offer taking a step away from the refrigerator. The lookalike quickly steps infront of you and pulls a couple different drinks from the fridge. While she begins reading the labels on the packaging of a beverage she pulled from the drive you survey her again. The boots she wore were white golashes the top and bottom lining of the boots were scrubbed with an ugly yellow pigment. It was only now that you notched her elbow pads, it was more or less some cut Styrofoam stuffed inside a nude stocking leg, but the stocking itself didn't match her skin tone at all. You look her up and down and she catches you staring at her. You look away quickly and the thin girl smirks.

"Do you know him? Like, can you tell who I'm cosplaying?" She asked with a flick over her black wig, which was bad and you watch a blonde curl bounce out from the side of the wig.

"Um, yeah." You pause trying to wash the perplextion of your face you clear your throat, "You're supposed to be Cellophane right?"

"Indeed, me and my friend are going to the Ground Zero Agency opening ceremony, Cellophane is my favorite hero so I dressed up to meet him." She beams at you, you nod your head awkwardly.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure he'd enjoy that." You shrug, you're positive he would take it as flattery.

"Heroes not your thing? You don't seem very excited for the ceremony despite the Ground Seven merch." She nods her head to your baseball cap, the bill had a couple of enamel pins, mainly the logos your friends wore or their colors. Everyone had a little something of eachothers merch, even Bakugou had a couple of t-shirts.

"Ah no that's not it, it's- uh, my friends hat, I'm not actually going to that." You explain quickly, sure it was a lie but you didn't feel like revealing yourself a hero to be swarmed.

Now it's her turn to look you up and down. "Yeah, sorry, I should've known." She giggles at you.

'What the fuck is that supposed to mean?'

You laugh along with her, again, awkwardly on your end.

"Okay but for real now, I have a question if you don't mind."

"Um, yeah I guess you can, shoot." You lean back on your heels as if preparing to settle in. You didn't want to be rude, much like she was unintentionally being.

"How do you think the suit looks? Do you think Cellophane will like it?" She beams at you with a bright smile.

She turns in a circle for you to view her again. The puzzled look on your face turns into one of nervousness. Her cosplay wasn't that great in your opinion, her make up was a mass and her wig was lopsided. You were a generally honest person, while some people don't enjoy having stuff like this pointed out, because she was a cosplayer you figured she might appreciate the gesture.

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