Izuku midoriya x reader part 3

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You and Izuku had a small wedding with your friends and family and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Everyone had been waiting for you two to tie the knot.

You then announced your pregnancy and everyone couldn't have been happier.

Instead of doing your normal hero duties you did paperwork more. 2 months before your due date you took your maternity leave. After you and Izuku found out you were pregnant you bought a house. You mostly watched TV and organized the nursery.

The theme was pink for a girl. You painted the nursery pink and had gotten a white crib. In one corner was a 'play' corner with a white rug and various baby toys and many stuffed toys that resembled your hero friends. And in another corner a changing table and next to that a mountain of gifts from many heroes and family members.

Sometimes your friends like Ochako, Mina, Momo and other of your friends would visit and hang out with you.

During one winter day it started snowing heavily. It was just you and Izuku in your house. You were sitting on the couch and you were thinking about names. "I'm not sure about the name we chose. I like Emi."

"I don't know, I still like Rina." You two talked about it when you felt a rush of liquid in between your legs. "I think maybe I peed myself." You said. Izuku laughed and helped you up.

You waddled to the bathroom, but then felt a pain in your lower back. "Wait, I think that was my water!" You yelled. Izuku started freaking out. "W-what do I do?" "Call an ambulance!"

He called for an ambulance but his face went white and he looked out the window. "They said the snows too bad. T-they can't come until its cleared." He said. You were hunched over, your contractions being 7 minutes apart. "W-what do we do?" You asked.

"W-wait! The lady next door was a midwife! Let me get her, I'll be back!" He ran next door and you tried your breathing techniques, but the pain was getting more intense. Izuku came back with your neighbor.

Her name was Makoto Suzuki. "Midoriya, I need you to get me a futon, clean sheet, hot water and towels." Izuku got everything ang you laid on the futon.

It was hours. You were doing your breathing techniques and it hurt so much. Izuku encouraged you and at some point Izuku's mother eventually came to support her son and her daughter in law.

You laid on the futon and squeezed Izuku's hand really hard. He hated to see you in pain. "Okay, I'm gonna need you to push." You pushed and pushed for what felt like an eternity. "Okay, one last push!" With a scream you pushed the baby out and a crying could be heard.

To Izuku it felt like slow motion. He heard his baby's crying and saw her wrapped in a blanket. She was red and squirming and crying. He cried as he held his daughter. He looked at (Y/N) and saw she had her eyes closed.

"(Y/N) look, its Emi! She's here you did amazing!" You lightly opened your eyes and saw Izuku and Emi. However, your vision began to blur. "Izuku?" You asked weakly.

"Here she is! Our little girl" Tears welded up in his eyes and kissed Emi's forehead. "Izuku, she's so cute. Hi Emi." You could feel tears in your eyes, but your vision still blurred. "I-I thought you liked Rina?" You asked. "Emi's a perfect name, look at her."

"She's perfect. D-do you mind if I sleep? I'm really tired." She's losing a lot of blood! Why isn't the ambulance here!? "W-wait, not yet. Y-you still need to hold her. Y-y-you just need to stay up a little more!" Everything went silent. He couldn't hear Emi's cries. He couldn't hear his mother and Suzuki yelling.

"Emi, I'm your daddy! And this is your mommy! We love you so much!" He could feel tears run down his face. We wiped them away and held your hand. "You're gonna be so spoiled. I bet even Kaachan will love her. We'll be the best family!" Izuku cried.

He kissed your hand. "(Y/N)." No answer. "(Y/N)?" Izuku let go of her hand it it fell limply. "(Y/N), g-grab Emi's hand. See, it's so tiny." He picked up her hand so it could grab Emi's but it fell to the ground once again. "N-no! (Y/N)!"

What about everything we promised? What about staying with me forever? You-you can't leave! Please!

I-I don't want to lose you!


Our confessions.

Our first date.

Our first kiss.

Our first I love you.

When we found out you were pregnant.

Our wedding.

"I-I can do this. E-everythings gonna be fine." On the hill to UA, on the first day they met. There was (Y/N) on the hill. Izuku doesn't say anything. So she turns around.

We never should have met. If I didn't talk to her, she would have just turned around and we could have gone our separate ways.

We never would have gone out. We never would have gotten married. Emi... Emi would have never been born.

Then I wouldn't have gone through all that suffering.

We never should have met.

Word count- 913

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