A Mean Rock

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The next evening, after Legolas and Thranduil had eaten dinner, they both stood up to go about their business. One to his king's duties, and the other to his toys.

Legolas ran through the palace trying to find the guard, Melhonin. Earlier, when he had seen that Legolas was safe in his father's arms, he had left to go about his regular duties and Legolas had not seen him since.

Coming to the entrance of the palace, Legolas spotted Melhonin guarding the door.

"Melhonin! Melhonin! I'm done eating dinner! Will you take me outside again? Please?" Legolas begged. He clasped his hands together and looked up at Melhonin with his large, cute eyes.

Melhonin sighed, facing defeat, "All right, young prince. We can go, but only if the king permits it."

"Oh he did, I already asked him and he said, 'a ha' and nodded his head or something like that," Legolas grinned.

The tall guard thought for a moment, "Well, okay." He said. Then, they headed off together, to the gardens.

Reaching their destination, Legolas ran to his favorite spot. A patch of grass surrounded by lilac bushes. Melhonin went with him and squeezed into the small clearing. Then, they sat down. Melhonin rested his weapons on the ground and huffed. Breathing in the beautiful scent of lilacs.

Legolas piped up, "It's so peaceful here. Don't you think, Melhonin?" Melhonin nodded still gazing at his surroundings.

Legolas stood up. "I'm gonna go get some acorns for us to play with. Okay?"

"Okay, My prince. Be quick." Legolas pranced off to collect the tiny seeds forth their entertainment.

Suddenly, a cry reached Melhonin's ears. It was Legolas! He stood up quickly and ran to find the prince.

Finally, he came upon Legolas lying on the ground clutching his knee.

"My prince! Are you all right? What happened?" He questioned bending down beside Legolas.

Legolas was sobbing, "I...I...was running...and I fell and hit my knee on a mean rock! And now it's bleeding!" He continued crying. Melhonin looked at the wound. It was indeed, bleeding. It looked to be very deep. Legolas needed treatment right away. Melhonin swiftly picked up the elfling and began to carry him back to the palace.

When they got back to the palace, Melhonin rushed to the throne room. The guards opened the door as he walked in, still holding the crying prince. Instantly, all eyes fell on him and his package.

Thranduil looked up and his eyes widened. Right away, he dismissed everyone and rushed down from his throne. He picked up his son from Melhonin's arms and sat on the floor cradling Legolas in his arms.

"Legolas, my son. Are you okay? What happened?" He questioned. Legolas just continued to cry. Thranduil looked up at Melhonin. "What happened, Melhonin?"

Melhonin bowed, "My lord, the prince came to me earlier and asked me to go to the garden with him. I consented and brought him there. We were sitting in his fort when he decided to go collect some acorns. I told him to go quickly and I stayed behind to wait. I then, hearing him cry out, rushed to him. When I got to there, I saw the prince lying on the ground clutching his knee. He told me he was running and had tripped on a rock and fell. I then proceeded to pick him up and I rushed him here."

Thranduil considered what he said, "Melhonin, why did you take my son outside?"

"My lord, he told me that you said he could go out."

"And you just believed him? He is only an elfling!" Thranduil began to get angry.

"I...I..." Melhonin stammered, "I did. But I can see now that I was mistaken. I'm sorry, my king."

Thranduil stood up laying Legolas on his robe, extremely angry now, "Sorry? Sorry?!? Are you serious? My son is in pain because of your foolishness!" He turned back to Legolas.

Just then, several elf healers rushed in and took Legolas out. Thranduil returned to his throne, barely containing his rage. "I would banish you, Melhonin, but my son likes you. And he would be heartbroken if you left. Instead, for our insolence, I must figure out a different punishment."

Melhonin trembled slightly. The elven king was known for having a bad temper, and he did not want to be on the other end of it.

"I have decided your punishment, Melhonin." the king said after a moment. "I shall keep you on as my guard, but for your punishment, you shall be whipped." Right away, two guards, obeying the king's command, walked up to Melhonin and took hold of his arms. He did not struggle. Another guard took off his top armor and shirt. Then, he took out a whip. The guard, sadly, brought the whip down upon Melhonin's back over and over again. Each time, striking deeper and deeper, ripping into his skin. Melhonin grimaced as he struggled to not scream. He had resolved to not show his fear. He would be brave and take it like a true warrior, even if he did not deserve it.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Thranduil commanded the guard to stop. The ones holding Melhonin, gently laid him down. Then, they returned to their posts. Melhonin turned over on his back slowly an looked up at the king.

Thranduil stepped down from his throne and strode over to Melhonin. " You may go now, Melhonin." Instantly, the guards who had held him for his punishment, walked up to him and slowly dragged him to the medical area.

Later, the king went to his son's room. He slowly entered and looked around. Lying on the bed, asleep, rested Legolas. When he walked in, Legolas opened his eyes.

"Hey, Ada!" He said cheerfully.

"Hello, Legolas. How are you feeling, ion nin?"

"Pretty good. But my knee hurts kinda bad. That rock was so mean. I never hurt him! Why would he do that to me?" Legolas said innocently.

Thranduil smiled, laughing inside, "It was certainly a very mean rock. I will have to give it a talk later to tell it not to be so mean." Hearing those words, Legolas closed his eyes again and fell asleep. Thranduil sat down on a chair beside the bed, and rested. It had been a long day.

Please read---->

Finished! Completed! This chapter is done! But I do want to apologize for making Thranduil so mean in this story. I was really just trying to convey how much he cares for his son and sometimes he is too protective. But anyway, thank you for reading this and please, if you enjoyed it, the vote, comment, and follow! Thank you! Also, I will have a very special author'a note coming up soon, so please keep an eye out for that and read it when it comes!!!!


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