Meeting New Friends

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Ithildae healed quickly, and eventually, his wound was gone. He was a playful bunny, keeping everyone on their toes. Legolas loved him dearly and the bunny had many affections for Legolas as well. Together, they formed a strong bond of friendship. Time flew by fast and before long, Ithildae was fully grown. Although his age had changed, his playfulness and excitement had not. Legolas loved to take Ithildae out for a walk and let him roam while Legolas explored. Faithfully, Ithildae would always come back.

One day, when Legolas had just taken Ithildae on a walk, his father approached him.

"Mae Govannen, Legolas!" (Well met)

Legolas turned to face Thranduil, "Mára aurë, Ada!" (Hello Daddy)

"What are you doing?" Thranduil smiled down at Ithildae.

"I just went exploring with Ithildae! Tiro! (Look) I found this really cool rock!" Legolas lifted up a smooth rock that was shaped like a bunny, and displayed it on his palm.

"Wow! That is very interesting. It sounds like you had a very enjoyable time."

" was fun..." Legolas paused as he started to think of Melhonin, his old friend. Melhonin was a guard that worked for Thranduil. He had over time, become Legolas' role model. But an accident that had happened when he was with Legolas, had resulted in an over protective father not allowing him to see Legolas again. Legolas had been very upset, but now that he had Ithildae, and he played with Tauriel, the elfling was not as lonely.

"" Thranduil cleared his throat at the uneasy silence. "Legolas...I have some business in Rivendell, and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me? You would be able to see Elladan and Elrohir and you would be able to play with them...would you like to go?"

"Sure! That sounds like fun! When are we going?"

"I need to leave in a couple of hours. Please be ready by then." Thranduil turned away from his son and walked away. His regal robes flowing behind him.

Later, once they were both ready, father and son walked out to the gates. There, Thranduil's elk was brought out.

Legolas shuddered, "Ada...could I please not ride that?"

Thranduil bent down and hugged his son. "Of course, Legolas! There is no shame in admitting that! I am glad you told me." he let go of Legolas and stood up. Then, he signaled one of the guards. The guard left, and when he returned there was a small elk with him! "This is for you, ion nin! Your very own elk!"

Legolas couldn't believe it! The small elk was not fully grown, and was the perfect size for Legolas! "Thank you so much Adar! It's perfect!" Legolas was very happy to see that it wasn't very tall so that he couldn't fall off very easily.

Thranduil smiled down at his son as Legolas, with the help of a guard, climbed onto his present.

He grinned at his father, "I'm ready to go now!" They both swiftly left the Mirkwood realm, and headed towards Rivendell, or otherwise known as, Imladris.

They traveled for quite some time, stopping every night. When the sun rose, they rose with it. Thranduil was going to bring an elf escort, but at the last minute had decided against it. He and Legolas made the trip on their own.

When Legolas and Thranduil arrived, they were greeted by several elves. Lord Elrond and his children.

"Suilaid, (Greetings) King Thranduil and Prince Legolas! Im gelir ceni ad lin!" (A star shines on the time of our meeting)

Legolas and Thranduil gracefully climbed off their elk. "Suilaid! Le suilon, Lord Elrond! (Greetings! I greet thee) Thranduil bowed to Lord Elrond.

My Little Greenleaf ~ Little LegolasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin