Christmas Time

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Hello there, Mellon nins! First of all, I must make something crystal clear: Tolkien has specifically said in several statements that elves do NOT celebrate Christmas or any midwinter festival. However, I wanted to have a short but sweet chapter to celebrate Christmas and as a gift from me to you! I am so grateful for every single one of you and couldn't have gotten this far without you! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Now...on with the story:)


"Ada, you have to wear all of it..." Legolas whined. He hopped up and down, in excitement.

A sigh came from the older elf.

"Please, please, please!" The elfling clasped his hands together in pleading.

"Ion nin...this is highly ridiculous..." Thranduil mused, holding up a red velvet robe with white fur trim. He looked at it distastefully.

Legolas tried to push it into his father without much success. He huffed and folded his lithe arms, "Please wear it! It's a...tradition." Legolas grinned cheekily.

"Why is this so important to you?" Thranduil turned his gaze upon his little elfling in questioning.

"Nana always said it was important for tradition! Whatever that is..." Legolas reasoned. Thranduil thought about it for a moment.

"Very well." He finally agreed. Carefully pulling the large robe around his form, he looked down at his son, "Are you happy now?"

Legolas squealed in delight and hugged his father tightly, "Tancave! It's perfect!" (Yes)

Thranduil forgot his grumpy mood instantly and returned the hug. He gently ran his hand down Legolas' smooth and silky hair.

However, being an impatient little elfling, Legolas quickly pulled away, "What are we going to do now that we are all dressed for the celebration?"

"I believe we should eat dinner now. Aren't you hungry?"

Legolas nodded, over exaggerating as usual, "Tancave, I am starving!" (Yes) He enunciated the last word dramatically.

The King chuckled, "Well come on then. Gwaem." (Let's go) He turned towards the door.

Legolas pulled on his robes before he could get far, "Ada, wait! Can you carry me?" He smiled as sweetly as he could, knowing that his father wouldn't be able to resist.

Thranduil rolled his eyes inwardly, "Alright." He consented and pulled his son into his strong arms, holding him tightly.

As they were walking along the corridors, several elves passed them carrying colorful boxes. Legolas' eyes lit up and he squirmed in Thranduil's arms.

"Legolas! What are you doing?" Thranduil inquired, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"I wanna get down!"

"Can you say please?"

"An ngell nîn?" (Please) Legolas hurriedly asked.

"Very well." Thranduil lowered him to the ground. No sooner had his feet hit the ground, when Legolas bolted off towards the elves a little ways ahead.

"Legolas!" Thranduil yelled, "Man cerig? (What are you doing) Legolas didn't answer, but kept running towards the elves until he disappeared around the corner.

When Thranduil caught up to his energetic elfling, Legolas was standing in awe at a what the elves were doing. In the dining hall, there was a large tree, almost ten feet tall, that was decorated with numerous candles, sweets, and other colorful things. But that wasn't what caught Legolas' eyes. Beneath the magnificent tree was a disarray of boxes and baskets full of gifts. The elves he had followed were placing their gifts under the tree as well before leaving the room.

When Legolas overcame his stupor, he pranced over to the presents and looked over them. Bending down, he lifted up a large gift and with wide eyes, ran over to Thranduil.

"Ada! Ada! Alae! Look at this present!" (Behold) Legolas lifted up the gift to Thranduil. Then, he pulled it down and read some words on the top, "It Prince Legolas! That's me! Can I open it?"

Thranduil chuckled, "Not yet, little one. We must wait until tomorrow. Now be a good elfling and put that back where you found it." He said patiently.

"Tancave, Adar." (Yes, father) Legolas obediently placed the box back under the tree and twirled his golden locks around his chubby finger, causing numerous tangles.

Thranduil reached his hand out towards Legolas, "Come now, Legolas. If you are good, then after we eat I will read you a bedtime story. Would you like that?"

Legolas smiled a goofy grin, "Oh yes!" He grabbed his Ada's hand and pranced out of he room, pulling Thranduil behind him.


Merry Christmas, Mellon nins! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow! And are having a wonderful Christmas Eve right now:) anyways, I am not having a special edition this chapter because it's a special chapter, but I hope you enjoyed this short but sweet story! Love you guys! Thanks so much for being awesome readers!!!


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