One Starry Night

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"Legolas!" Thranduil walked briskly through the ornate hallways. "Legolas? Where are you?"

"Here I am!" A youthful voice called. Legolas rounded a corner and dashed over to his Ada. "What do you need?"

"How did your archery lesson go, Little Leaf?" Thranduil bent down.

"It was really fun and I learned so much from Melhonin! Thanks Ada for letting me see him!" Legolas' smile lit up his father's face.

"You are very welcome. Now, I need to ask you something!"

Legolas raised his arms to be picked up, "What? What is it?"

Consenting, Thranduil lifted the small elfling and smiled, " that I think about it, you probably wouldn't want to do it. I just won't bother you with it."

During this, Legolas had been absentmindedly twirling his father's long, blond hair. "No! Ada, please ask me! I am interested, I promise!"

"Okay, I guess. But only if you are really sure that you want it know." Thranduil turned around and carried the prince back the way he came.

"Tancave! (Yes) Just tell me!"

The king laughed. Everyone who heard the conversation smiled. The royals were so cute. "All right, Legolas. I will tell you."

Legolas wiped his brow, copying what he had seen his father do, "Phew!"

Now, the two elves stopped at a intricately carved door. Thranduil turned the knob and walked in. "Would you do me the honor of having dinner under the stars with me, ion nin?" (My son)

Legolas looked around the room and squealed. Half of the room had a roof, and the other half opened up to reveal a sky full of brilliant stars. Carefully laid across the room were lush pillows, blankets, and cushions. In the very center of the partial balcony was a low table filled with two heaping, steaming plates of food. Delicacies adorned the elegant place setting.

"Will you join me for a star gazing dinner?" Thranduil loved his little elfling so much that he constantly worried for him. But, one of his joys was to discover a new way to excite his little elfling.

Legolas finally closed his gaping mouth, "Oh, Ada, this is so cool! Yes! I really want to." He looked back at his daddy and wrapped his small arms around the grinning ruler.

They gathered around the dinner and picked up their forks. Before Legolas began eating, he had an idea. "Ada, before we eat, could we make a giant nest out of blankets around the table? Then we won't get cold." Legolas reasoned.

"Hmm, why not!" Thranduil helped gather a large mound of cushions and blankets. They laughed and joked as the nest was formed.

When it was finished, both elves climbed into the cozy cocoon. Wrapping the blankets around them, they devoured the delicious meal. As they ate, father and son exchanged jokes. Thranduil told Legolas many jokes about Dwarves. In turn, Legolas made up jokes that were only funny because he told them. Thranduil laughed more that night from his son's hilarious facial expressions than from the jokes. The night was going smoothly.

After they finished the food, and both elves were stuffed, the dishes were cleared away. Legolas and Thranduil cuddled up closer together under the blankets. The rested on their backs, gazing at the stars.

At first, Legolas made up a game where they tried to make things out of the stars. "Hey, look at that bright cluster! It looks like a bow!" Legolas pointed, trying to show where it was.

"You're right! It does!" Thranduil agreed, "Tiro! (Look) Those stars look like Ithildae, your rabbit!" the king wrapped one arm around Legolas and pointed with the other.

"Ya, it does! Hey Ada, Ceno! (See) Those seem like a tree!"

"Ah, Legolas! Did I ever tell you the story behind those stars?"

Legolas searched the sky, "Which ones?"

"The cluster that appear to be a warrior." Thranduil guided his son's eyes to the stars.

"There is a story behind those? I didn't know that...but tell me it!" Legolas asked before remembering the magic word, "Oh...please?"

"Well, those stars are there to help us remember a brave warrior that lived long ago. She was also an-"

"It's a girl? That's okay, you don't need to tell me anymore." The elfling frowned.

"Legolas...don't interrupt. I think you will like the story. Just because it is a girl doesn't make it a bad story."


Thranduil gave his son a warning glance, "Anyways, I was saying that she was an elf who fought in an important battle. The elves were winning for most of the fight until the enemy brought in reinforcements. When this happened, the elves' strength began to fail. They were tired and weary. Larion Anwarünya, the warrior, was not a general. She was just common soldier, but one thing was different. She was courageous. All of the commanders had fallen in battle and the army had no one to command them. Finally, Larion decided to take up the charge. She brought the elves back under order and rallied another attack. The elves, so impressed with her courage, took up arms and defeated the enemy not two hours later. When the battle was done, they brought her to my father, Oropher, and he appointed her general. Why we always remember this story and have the stars to remind us, is of her courage. It shows that fear does not accomplish anything good but with courage you can do amazing things. Do you understand?"

"I think so..." Legolas pondered the story.

"Was I right about you enjoying the story?"

"Yes..." Legolas huffed jokingly. Thranduil smirked. His little elfling would get over his 'ew girls' stage soon enough.

Quietly, father and son closed their eyes, the serene night ushering in sleep.

Aww! Was I not the only one to love this story? *raises hand* Even though I am the writer, I still loved it! It was so much fun to write, mellons!! *peaceful sigh* Also, I am so so so so sorry for taking so long to update! I have barely had time but now I hopefully will be able to update regularly! Yay! Thanks again for for reading this as always!

P.S. I originally had a emoji picture to put in the authors note that was supposed to be the balcony with Legolas and Thranduil sitting in it but when I saved the story it messed the pic up. :)

Anyhews, bye guys!!!!


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