A Solemn Farewell

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The king and his little leaf stayed there on the ground for what seemed like hours. Thranduil held his son tightly as Legolas clutched his robes. The elfling sobbed relentlessly for his fallen friend.

Gently, Thranduil leaned over and closed Melhonin's pale and distant eyes. The elves stayed frozen and silent until a search party discovered them. A group gathered around the fallen warrior and silence hung in the air. They mourned not only for Melhonin, but for every elf that was lost to them.


Stricken with grief, the Woodland realm went about their duties silently. Once the battle had been completely won, everyone had pitched in to tend the wounded and bury the dead. King Thranduil had given a speech to honor the fallen immortals and everyone that could, attended.

When the battle field had been cleaned up, everyone journeyed back to their secluded realm. Thranduil gently carried Legolas to his room, knowing the healing wing would be crowded, and laid him down on the large bed. Legolas had fallen asleep on the journey home after running out of tears.

Even though his shoulder ached, the king would not let anyone else carry his son. He wanted to be there for him. Thranduil knew well that Legolas had lost too much already. He knew that when Legolas woke, he would need comforting.

Swiftly, the king walked to the healing area and navigated through the many beds, cots, and tables to a cabinet. He grabbed some needed bandages and left, not wanting to see anymore of his subjects in pain. It hurt him too much.


After Legolas had been cleaned up, bandaged, and tucked under warm blankets, Thranduil peeled off his own shirt and slowly, very slowly cleaned his own injury. It stung when fresh, clean water ran across it and burned when a healing salve was applied. When the elf had bandaged his shoulder, he laid down beside Legolas.

Thranduil regretted everything that had happened in the battle. He regretted Legolas coming. He regretted letting himself be inured. He regretted his son being hurt. And most of all, he regretted that he couldn't save Melhonin Taldel.

Finally, the king found rest and drifted off to sleep.



Thranduil opened his eyes and cleared his head. "Yes, ion nin?" Legolas readjusted but stopped when a burning pain shot up his leg. A small cry left his mouth.

Thranduil sat up and turned to his son, "Legolas? Manen nalyë, ion nin?" (How are you, my son) He ignored his own pain when he sat up too quickly.

"Im maer, Ada..." (I'm well, Daddy) Legolas whispered. "My leg just hurts. Why does it hurt so much?" the prince looked at Thranduil.

Thranduil let out his breath, "Goheno nin, Legolas. Your leg is broken." (Forgive me) He explained. "Legolas...why did you come to the battle when I told you not to?" Thranduil asked.

Legolas looked down, "I'm sorry, Adar. (Father) I had to come. Nana (Mother) told me that only I could save you! I didn't want you to die..."

Thranduil backtracked, "Wait...your Nana told you this? How?"

"I think it was a dream, but she came to me and said that only I could save you. I'm so sorry! I didn't save you from anything and it's my fault that you got hurt! I couldn't help anyone and because of me Melhonin is dead!" Legolas started to sob.

Thranduil pulled Legolas closer and rubbed his silky hair, "Oh...no, Legolas. None of that was your fault! I am just overjoyed that you are okay, ion nin."

"Le melon, Ada!" Legolas cried. (I love you)

"Le melon, my little leaf." Thranduil whispered. (I love you)


Neither Legolas or Thranduil knew this, but Legolas' mother had been given a vision of future events and was allowed to speak to her son one last time. She foresaw that without a reminder of his little leaf, Thranduil would give up. Legolas hadn't caused Thranduil to be struck by that arrow. It wasn't his fault because it would have happened anyway. If Legolas hadn't been there, then Thranduil would have died from the wound. Because he had seen Legolas in danger, it pushed the king to keep going and not give up. The queen watched her husband and son lay and silently wiped a tear from her eye.

That, mellon nins, is the end of this chapter. I know it is short but I didn't want to give you guys too many sad and depressing chapters in a row. Thank you for being patient! I am so sorry it has been almost three weeks since I updated, I think!

I am awful...so so so sorry. But please vote, comment, and follow! Rim hennaid, mellon nins! (Many thanks, my friends)

Btw...I have been forgetting to put my *special editions* in each chapter so I am going to try and start doing that again.

*Special edition 2*

Elvish sentence of the day: Garo arad vaer!

Meaning: Have a good day!

Random fact: After the War of the Ring, Mirkwood was cleansed and renamed Eryn Lasgalen.

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