A Bedtime Story

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"Legolas! Where are you? It's your bedtime! Legolas! Come here this instant!" Thranduil paused, "It is your bedtime and you better come here right now, or I will take your bow and you will not be able to use it for a while! Legolas? Are you the..."

Just then, Legolas bolted out of the door and came sprinting towards his Ada, "I'm here, Ada! Please please please don't take away my bow! I promise I'll be good!!! Please?" Thranduil grinned. His ploy had worked to get Legolas out of his hiding spot!

"All right, ion nin. But please, go get into your pajamas and climb into bed. It is way past your bedtime!"

"I will, Ada, if...you read me a bedtime story!" Legolas grinned mischievously. Before Thranduil could grab his son, the little elf darted into his room. Thranduil ran after him into the little elf's bedroom. When he entered, Legolas was already in his pajamas"

"Thank you, Legolas. Now please, climb into bed...and I will tell you a story." Thranduil sighed. Little Leggy grinned and jumped into bed quickly burrowing into the silky sheets and blankets. The regal king walked over to his son's bed and rested on the edge. "What story would you like to hear, ion nin?"

"Um...well...maybe a story where I kills hundreds of bad stinky orcses!"

"All right, Legolas, just please...be quiet and sit still so that I can tell the whole story with no interruptions."

"Yes, Ada. I will, Ada!" Legolas snuggled up next to his father as Thranduil settled in.

"Okay, here we go. Now, one upon a time, there lived a super strong elfing. And his name was Legolas the awesome." Legolas giggled at what his Ada said. Thranduil smiled, "One day, he went out into the big forest to hunt some puny orcs. Legolas the awesome searched and searched for orcs until finally, he found some! He pulled out his sword and began slashing them one after the other. Slashing one, slicing another, and killing them all! When he finished, he returned to the palace victorious for protecting Mirkwood. Then, they all had a great feast and lived happily ever after. The end. Oh boy, i'm tired." Thranduil laid back on Legolas's bed and closed his eyes. After a moment, he began snoring.

Legolas, still wide awake, looked at his Ada. Then grinning sneakily, he climbed out of bed and ran out of his room to cause trouble.


P.S. I like the caps lock! :p

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