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Aurora didn't manage to buy the clothes since she spent a lot f time talking with her friend. She had the driver take her back to the hotel where she found Lucian still with his colleague. She took the time to dip herself in a bubble bath.

While she lay in deep foam and bubbles she began to reminisce about how it all began.

Aurora was adopted when she was two years old in Mereen and was taken to Queensland by her adoptive parents. They were never the nicest parents from the beginning but she thought that's how it was supposed to be. They would starve her sometimes, beat her and made her do things that weren't moral at all. The day her father left her in the mountain she thought she would die but she survived. Because she survived the harsh training began. She was taught how to fight and failure to master a technique would court a harsh punishment. In order to avoid those harsh punishments she worked hard to become the best. By the age of ten she could topple huge men through martial arts. She was taught how to use knives, how to use a gun and poisons too. At the age of thirteen she was sent to kill one man. It was messy but she succeeded. If she had refused to do it then they would kill her or punish her. All she ever wanted back then was to be loved by her family.

So after her first kill she killed whoever they wanted her to kill. They made money through her, she became their personal assassin. She could eat, sleep and go to school at least which was better. The punishments were less as long as she brought money to the table.

Everything was okay until she fell in love. She began to see that what she was doing wasn't good and not normal at all. She wanted to stop and begin a life with her boyfriend. After graduation she became pregnant. Her boyfriend wanted to take her so that they could be together but her adoptive parents didn't want to lose their source of income. One day they sent people to torture him and to make matters worse, they made her watch the whole thing. They tortured him and killed him right in front of him. It was a warning; they were promising to kill anyone who would try to come into their way. They didn't care about her.

As if that was nothing they terminated her pregnancy and had her womb removed. That became as a huge blow to her. She refused to eat the weeks she came out of the hospital. She realized that they didn't care at all when they gave her more assignments and never say sorry. They even threatened her more, promised to have many of the few people she knew be killed. So she did what they asked of her and bided her time to take them out one day. She was patient enough and didn't strike until a year later when they totally forgot about it and were at ease. Ever since they had her man killed they were very cautious and cooked all the food. They were afraid and even put a lot of security. She didn't even bother to act but restrained herself until one night when they were all relaxed. She was going to kill them all including herself. What she never expected was for her to survive the attack. She became the only survivor and since she nearly court death herself she was never questioned but became a victim.

It was quite funny to learn after so many years had passed that someone was committed to killing them in the first place; someone had justice prevailed for her even without saying. They should be rotting by now. Too bad she had their ashes thrown. She could bear to bury them. She had no money to waste to bury such people. They raised her and she was grateful for it but because of them she became a monster. It took her three years to stop being addicted to the system her parents had set for her. Now she was free and she won't be committing anything like that ever again.

'You are back?' that came as a surprise since she had forgotten that she was in the bath.

She turned her head and saw her husband standing there looking as handsome as she had last seen him.

'Yes, I'm back. How was your day?'

'It was lonely without you,' he said as he walked towards the tub.

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