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Lucian was drinking with his best friend Garrick when Jewel called and told him that Aurora had been gone for the whole day and they couldn't find her. He stopped immediately and rushed back to his parents' house only to find his mother seated and looking not so well.

'What really happened?'

'Please forgive me. It was my fault. I didn't know she would take it so badly,' his mother murmured.

'What did you do?' he asked her and saw her crying.

His mother began to tell him what happened after he left. Aurora's birth mother was his Aunt June, his mother's youngest sister. His mother told Aurora all about it and she just left. They tried to look for her but she was nowhere to be found. There was no road in the direction that she went at all.

'We had a huge fight in the morning and you added that to it, mother what were you thinking? If something happens to her, I will not forgive you,' he meant every word.

It all made sense now. She approached his family for a reason but not a bad one. She just wanted to know about her parents something he would have done if he was raised somewhere else. Victor called to tell him about the results of what he had asked him to find. He began to read through the document Victor had sent and Aurora didn't lie. There was really a shooting and a man died terribly but when the police got there, there was no evidence. The suspects, Aurora, the gun and the bullets were not there. No one was arrested despite it being a murder case.

Aurora was admitted to a hospital where she was put in a comma for a month and during that process she indeed lost her baby and her womb was removed. That kind of information was hard to get but the people he hired had other ways to make people talk. She didn't lie, in fact it was a painful memory and he just jolted away from her when she needed him the most. When she was hurt like that, his mother just had to tell her that her sister was her mother. That made them relatives which were a huge blow to her. He had to find her but where exactly would he find her?

He remembered the day she left his villa and walked by herself at night in the road. He had a feeling that she was stronger than anyone else he had ever seen.

'I will go and look for her,' he said.

'Where would you find her? Everyone has been searching for her for the whole day,' his mother said.

'I know her a bit better than anyone else. If I don't come back in two hours then send more help,' he said and began to follow where Aurora was last seen going.

He had walked for about thirty minutes and yet he hadn't found anything yet. He suddenly heard a twitch sound and he looked around and saw that there was a tiny road, so he followed it deep into the forest. If she was in the forest then she was really crazy. He began to call out her name but there was no response. He was in the forest for more thirty minutes when he saw a cave. The entrance was a bit funny, it could collapse if you make a mistake and there was a bit of blood there. So he carefully widened the entrance and allowed himself to enter inside without causing any more damage to the cave. He switched the phone torch on and began to look around and there was still no sign of her. He heard the sound of water flowing and he guessed that there might be a stream ahead, so he followed it. When he arrived he saw her lying down about one meter from the stream. Her eyes were closed and she was freezing. She was hurt but she had bandaged herself well as if she was a professional. She was a survivor but why didn't she return back home? He rushed towards her and shook her. Aurora slightly opened her eyes.

'I must be dreaming. I guess I really love you now that I'm seeing you every time,' she murmured and reached out her hand to touch his face.

Those words hit him hard. She had always said how much she hated him and not even a day she ever confessed her love to him.

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