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Two scandals broke out and he wondered where they just came from. Of course thanks to Aurora he had been hanging out with his old female acquaintances even though it wasn't working out at all. Now he was seated facing his mother who seemed to be angry. He knew he was in trouble and he had to think of something fast.

'Mother why are you here?' he asked as if he wasn't aware.

'I wish I could hit you with a stick but I can't now, can I?'

He shook his head and looked at her.

'I'm sorry, it won't happen again.'

'I hope it doesn't because I and your father had come up with a solution.'

'What solution mother?'

'I don't care how you do it but we are giving you two weeks to find yourself a wife.'

'Mother isn't that too much?'

'It is and that pressure is what we all feel whenever those tabloids write something about you and those skinny women. I don't care if you love her or not, threaten or blackmail them. Just find yourself a wife or we will be taking Jewel. She will be solely raised by me and your father,' that was a huge threat and he knew it and so did she.

'You can't do that to me?'

'Trust me I can. You have to think for your daughter too. We know you love her but she needs a mother too. Do you want that kid to never know what it is like to have one?'

'Mother this is...'

'And your father told me to tell you that if you don't introduce a woman to the family in a week's time then he would call up a board meeting to discuss your removal from your C.E.O post,' she said.

Now he knew how serious his parents were. He looked at his mother who was really in a serious mode.

'I will find a wife, please tell that to dad,' he said.

'That's better and in the mean time no more scandals. I wouldn't want to be a widow simply because you can't keep your zip closed,' she said and he closed his eyes.

'I'm sorry for disappointing you.'

'I know son but remember we love you and want the best for you. Your father is waiting for me back home. We will see you when you come back home with her and in the mean time Jewel will be staying with us.'

'Mother but I promised.'

'I know, just see her as a bargaining chip. You need to know how serious we are,' she said with a smile and left his office.

How could they do this to him? These two what were they really up to?

His younger brother called him as soon as his mother left and he wondered why he was calling all of a sudden.

'Can we meet?' Keane asked on the other said.

'Let's meet for lunch. I will head out now,' Lucian said.

Lucian told Victor that he will be going to the hospital for a lunch date. The driver took him there and he found his brother waiting for him. Keane was a doctor; he didn't want to run the business like he did. He looked awesome in his coat like always.

He took a seat and looked at how tired he seemed to look.

'Did you even go home?' Lucian asked.

'I didn't, I will go back tonight. It's not like I have anyone to return to.'

'You should be the one getting married and not me.'

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