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There was one day left to her wedding and she was anxious. They had all said it was nothing but she knew it was something at least for her. She had found her mother though her dad was a mystery which was still okay but the fact that the man she loves was her cousin it was crazy. At one point she wanted to kill herself but after all she went through she couldn't. She was going to live in that cave and let no one find her but Lucian was something else. He found her just like that and brought her back to the living. He promised her the world and everything and she just fell for it. She didn't care now what the price would be but she was going to be happy no matter what. So many things were taken from her from childbirth. Now she was going to reclaim all of it and be happy even when it meant hiding who she really was from the family she had just got.

She looked at the contents of her warehouse again and looked at the friendly man besides her.

'How much will you give me for everything in here?' she asked him.

'I have never seen such exquisite weapons before, these are pretty good. Are you sure you don't want them for yourself?'

'Their owner died and I'm just disposing of them now. It's better to let them go,' she lied.

'If that's what it is then how about this number?' he asked showing her quite a huge number and she added another figure to the number.

'You are quite a clever girl. Fine I will take it on that price,' he agreed and she smiled.

'Remember not to disclose about anything. I wouldn't want to hunt you down or your family for that matter,' she warned.

'I have been in this business for long. I understand everything. Let me wire you the money now,' he said and she gave him her banking details.

She took out her phone that very second and checked as the money reported in her account.

'It was nice doing business with you,' she said.

'Let's meet again.'

Aurora left very satisfied. She drove back in the car she had borrowed back at the mansion and drove somewhere with a furnace. She was getting rid of everything and it was time to let her old love go. She took out the gun that had killed the man she loved back then and she threw it in the furnace and watched as it melts until there was nothing left.

Aurora left that place again and drove back to the mansion. When she arrived, it was nearly time for supper. She went to the bedroom to shower and change into lighter clothes. She then went downstairs to the dining room where her plate had been served. Lucian was coming late nowadays because of work so she rarely waited for him.

She ate her food hungrily since she hadn't eaten anything except for breakfast. After her meal Aurora took a nice walk in the road. It wasn't a secret that she was living in Lucian's mansion. Instead of hiding herself like a mistress she was going to show herself out since she will become the lady of the house by tomorrow.

As she was walking a car suddenly stopped by her side and she wondered who the person might be. The driver was a man who happened to get out of his car to strike a conversation with her.

'Hello there,' he said.


'I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could spare me some time of yours,' he said.

'Sure, go ahead.'

'I couldn't help but notice you. Can we go somewhere quiet and have dinner?'

'I'm afraid I already had one.'

'Do you stay here? I have never seen you before.'

'I'm sorry but is this why you asked me to stop here and talk to you? If you have nothing serious to talk about I will advise you to go your way,' she was polite as she could be.

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