
"California? Wow, I am surprised they even let him go on a trip," Renee said as she and Richard walked out and went towards the main area where all the Trauma's were treated.

"Let's just wait until-"

"Uh, Dr Foster, the dad of Tyler Martin-" One of the nurses said as she handed her the phone.

"Hello, Mr Martin-" Renee said as she heard soft sobs from the other end.

"How is my son?"

"Sir, your son as of right now is stable, we have ordered a CT and a MRI, but I need some additional information and his medical files,"

"I-uh-he has Stage III Thyroid cancer and he was diagnosed when he was about ten-" Mr Martin went on to state his son's medical condition, Renee quickly made a note of things as they talked.

"Okay, thank you, Mr Martin, could you tell me the number of Tyler's oncologist, so I could have a bit more medical insight of his condition?" 

"Yeah, sure," Mr Martin said as he told Renee the number which she wrote down.

"Please don't let my son die, I'll take the next flight and be there as soon as I can,"

"Mr Martin, your son is in safe hands," 

Sitting with Callie and Christina, Renee drowned out all the things around her as she ate her lunch and Christina went on about how Hahn hates her, she had her laptop opened in front of her and her reading glasses. She had a conversation with Tyler's oncologist who said that the boy had metasis spread to his lungs and he had an operation a couple of months back, he was given permission to travel because he seemed healthy. She had also received Tyler's medical files from the oncologist via email which she currently was going over, the CT and MRI scans were yet to come so currently Renee had nothing to do but to wait. 

One of the adjacent benches had Mark, Erica and Richard sitting, also having their lunches when one of the girls who were sitting at one of the tables came up to Mark's table with a huge smile on their faces. Knowing Mark, Renee knew, she was sure that the girls would try and flirt with him, there had been many instances were girls and ladies would come up to to Mark, almost a little slutily, and give him their phone numbers. Renee would just sit by the sidelines as Mark would often look over at her with an uncomfortable look and take a step back when they would get too close.

"What can I do for you, ladies?" Mark asked the girls as he gave them his dashing smile.

"Tell him," One of the girls said, Renee and Callie's attention was now fully on Mark and they moved over to their table.

"No, it's embarrassing," the other one said.

"You can tell me," Mark smiled.

"You look exactly like her dad," The look on Mark's face was unreadable as he looked beyond shocked to hear such a thing, everybody at the table laughed as the girls walked away. Renee laughed as she patted the old man's back, yet she couldn't sympathise with him.

"Oh my,"

"Swing and a miss,"

"I can die with satisfaction now,"

"What happened?"

Renee, who was in Tyler's room, Mr Martin was yet to arrive so she decided to keep the boy a little company until his father arrived, so far it seemed to be going smoothly as Tyler kept sleeping on. She smiled as the boy woke up but it flattered as he tried to get up but quickly realised that his body didn't have any energy left, the nurse helped the boy sit up and placed some pillows for support. Renee grabbed her chair as she neared Tyler's bedside as the nurse poured some water into the glass and offered it to Tyler who gulped all of it at once.

"I am sorry, I was thirsty," Tyler said as he kept the glass away.

"That's okay," Renee smiled as Tyler kept glancing at the glass again,"You need another glass?"

"Can I?"

"Of course," Renee said as she poured him another glass which he also finished quickly.


"Much, what happened?"

"The bus you were in had an accident,"

"Oh, is it because of Sully and his friends?"

"I don't know, are those your friends?"

"Not really, they're always teasing me for wearing my nasal canula and my oxygen cylinder,"

"I don't think he's a nice guy," Renee said as she checked his vitals and noting them down in her chart.

"No, where's dad?"

"Your father's coming. He couldn't find a flight, they're all delayed, I talked to him an hour ago,"

"Am I going to die?"

"No, we did a CT and a MRI, everything seemed normal, you just have a little bruising on your lungs, no internal bleeding, we'll do a PET scan tomorrow to make sure everything's fine, you know and then we'll keep you here until the brusing is reduced,"

"My oncologist says I am tough," Tyler smiled as he adjusted his tube.

"Hey look Tyler's sick again," A group of kids entered Tyler's room, they were bigger than Tyler as they surrounded him, Renee looked over at them as she continued with her test.

"How come you're so sick always, doesn't that poor excuse of a father give you anything to eat?" the biggest kid of them kicked Tyler's bed.

"Get out," Renee said sternly as she glared at the boys.

"We're his friends, you can't tell us to get out," Renee narrowed her eyes at them as she walked towards them and caught one of the boys by his ear and dragged him out, the boy whined as they exited Tyler's room. Meredith who was passing by caught Renee and pulled her off of the boy who rubbed his ear.

"Dr Foster," Meredith exclaimed as the boys ran away.

"I am not sorry, they need to punished, spoiled little brats," 

"That was kind of badass, you should try that with Derek,"

"Oh with Derek try nipple pinching, works like a charm," Renee said as Meredith walked away with a smile. Renee entered the ward again to find Tyler smiling at her.

"That was excellent," Renee smiled as she picked her charts and walked towards the door but stopped before turning around. 

"I'll tell one of the nurse's to bring you some dinner,"

"Dr-uh, I am sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"Foster, Renee Foster,"

"Could-could you stay with me here, I can't sleep alone at night,"

"You won't be alone, there are nurses here," Renee said as she pointed towards the nurses but Tyler's face immediately dropped.

"Fine, I'll stay but you have to put up with my daughter, she babbles a lot these days,"

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