Gone Too Soon

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"I am looking for houses. I will look for them with or without you and I don't know what this will do for us...but damn it I am a better woman than you are," 

"Yeah? Talk to me when you get your period,"

Renee and Mark were standing in front of each other, both of them had their arms crossed over their chest neither of them ready to back off, they had their eyes narrowed at each other refusing to listen when Amanda, the girl who was saved by John Doe walked towards them. 

"Who's George?"

"What?" Renee asked.

"John Doe, the guy who threw me out of the way of the bus, saved my life. Everyone's crying and saying, "John Doe is George." Who's George?" Renee and Mark exchanged eye contact before running towards the ICU. Lexie was already there, Callie was crying in the corner while Bailey was looking through the glass door as Derek and Owen closed George. Renee grabbed Callie's hand who broke down in her shoulder, the guy inside looked bad, like too bad to even recognize his face, she could feel her eyes, she refused to believe that man on the bed was George, the kind George, one of her favourite residents.

"That's not George, he was supposed to be in surgery till 6, it's on the board," Renee whispered.

"Chief told him to go visit his mother," Owen said.

"Who said that was George? Why do we think that's George?" Lexie asked.

"Meredith said... I don't know," Callie replied.

"That's not George. Look at his feet, look how tall he is. That's not George,"

Meredith was facing an interrogation, nobody wanted to believe that the man lying inside, who was a few minutes away from having his organs harvested was George O'Malley, everyone was trying to come up with a theory to prove that the man inside wasn't George O'Malley, that he wasn't the man everyone had come to adore. Renee was still beside Callie holding her hand as the later was in a state of shock, even though they had been divorced it was clear that Callie had once loved George, very much and refused to believe that he was dead. 

"He wrote in my hand," Meredith said.

"What do you mean he wrote?" Christina asked. Everyone was talking at the same time and over each other.

"What did he do?" Richard asked.

"He grabbed my hand and squeezed it and he wrote with his finger," Meredith said.

"Wrote with his finger?" Derek asked sceptically.

"In my hand, he wrote 'Double O Seven.'" Meredith said, Bailey was not having it, she went ahead and grabbed Meredith's hand before scribbling something.

"Well, give... OK, what'd I write?" Bailey asked.


"No! No, I did not write 'Joe'!"

"Are you serious?" Christina asked angrily.

"You mean this may not be O'Malley?" Richard asked.

"This is funny," Mark said only to be hit in the stomach by Renee who glared him down.

"Shut up, this isn't funny,"

"Did anyone try and call O'Malley? Can we get him on the phone?" Everybody wiped their phones out trying to call him, Renee shook her head as she watched everybody trying to call him at the same time.

"Why are you all calling him at the same time?" she asked as everybody ignored her.

"I'm telling you, he squeezed my hand," Meredith said.

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