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"You are planning on doing this surgery pro-bono?"

Richard looked angry, he had been angry ever since George had passed away and Renee had a feeling that it was more related to the board trying to get Derek on board as the next Cheif of surgery. Everybody around them looked, Owen raised an eyebrow before turning back to his chart, she looked at Richard with an unimpressed look, she didn't like the tone he was talking to her or in fact anybody in the hospital.

"Yes and?"

"How are you planning on paying for this surgery?"

"I am not, the hospital is going to pay,"

"No, the hospital is not going to pay. You either pay for it yourself or get the patient to pay,"

"The patient is a 7-year-old, his mother is a single mom,"

"I don't care, advice them a better insurance," Richard said before walking away, Derek walked towards her with a bemused smile on his face.

"I don't want to hear it,"

"I am not saying anything,"

"You know what...he can go...do something, that mother needs this surgery, her seven-year-old needs this surgery and just because of a prissy old man..."

"The hospital doesn't have the money...to do pro-bono surgery" 

"You sure you don't want to move in?"

"Mark, come on, it's good for both of us, Ilaria, she looks like an angel but when she starts crying at night, you'll be the first one kicking us out,"

"Come on, I will not, I am trying to be better,"

"I know you want us to move in but I just don't want to burden you with all the duties,"

"So, you're gonna decide that? Without giving me a chance?" Mark said with a frown on his face, Renee felt bad doing this, over the past few days she had been thinking about them living together and how it may not be a bad thing.

"Don't be like that," Renee said as she pressed a kiss to his lips. He pulled away before walking inside, Renee sighed as she watched him walk away, a frown on her face, she let out a deep breathe when Callie walked out of her apartment holding two dresses in her hands. Renee ignored her, Callie had decided to move to Mercy West and let's just say she wasn't happy about, Callie cleared her throat.

"You're going to be like that?" Callie asked raising an eyebrow.

"You decided to move to Mercy West just like that,"

"I can't be here...George it's like he's everywhere, I can't..."

"But you'll be alone at Mercy West.."

"I know, it's...for good trust me, okay enough with the sob story. Which one? My first day at Mercy West. I wanna look nice, you know, serious, talented, hardcore, not someone you push around. Nice, but hot. Like me," Callie asked as she held up two dresses, Renee rolled her eyes as Mark walked out, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"That one," Mark pointed at one of the two dresses.

"Really? I thought this one," 

"Too hot. Better for a date. That one," Callie said before turning and went inside her apartment to change.

"You look good," Renee said as Callie smiled and hugged both of them before leaving for Mercy West.

"Anyways, where do you want this?" Renee asked Mark, a large oversized vase in her hands, Mark's face twisted for a second trying to find the right place for the vase, he took the vase from her hands before putting it near the sofa before he paused and rethought.

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