The Past

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A ferry boat crash, the big trauma, Derek and Renee put on their coats, their kits in their hands as they scrambled towards the ambulance which was ready to take them to the site of trauma, according to the news there were a lot of casualties

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A ferry boat crash, the big trauma, Derek and Renee put on their coats, their kits in their hands as they scrambled towards the ambulance which was ready to take them to the site of trauma, according to the news there were a lot of casualties. Richard who was running to and fro in the trauma told Derek and Renee when he saw them that they needed to go to the trauma site, Christina Yang who was behind them wasn't really happy.

"I am sorry, why is Dr Foster going, I doubt there are any cancer patients there,"

"Dr Yang, do you know how many years of experience I have?"


"Then until you know, keep your mouth shut," She snapped at the intern when Mark came to the ER.

"Surgical Oncology needs years of general surgery fellowship, she knows what she does, Yang," 

"You ready, Ren?" Derek asked raising his fist for her to bump.

"Always ready,"

The scene at the trauma site was horrific, the paramedics were running everywhere trying to tag everyone and transport them to the hospitals for further care, Renee looked over at Derek, the man for known for his love for the ferry boats, she could see the devasted look on his face. The container ship had crashed into the ferry boat which caused the boat to catch on fire.

"You okay?" Renne asked as she pushed her ID in front of her coat.

"I don't know,"

"The ferry boat was safe, the container crashed into it, Derek," 

"Yeah, I know. Okay, we need to go, stay safe," Derek said as he gave Renee a tight hug before running off towards the tents.

"You too,"

Renee walked over to the patients who were rescued by the firemen, some of them were given green tags as they had some mere starches, others had broken limps which could wait for some time, there weren't many people who were given red tags. Renee proceeded towards the ferry boat which had stopped burning, there were people still stuck inside, some stuck under the cars, some under the remains of the ceilings. 

"Doctor, there's a patient up there, she's stuck under the car, she needs medical attention while we bring supplies to remove her,"

"Okay," Renee said as she went to the floor the paramedic told her.

"Mam, try to stay calm," She said as she saw the woman lying there alone, the cars behind her were burnt, the sunlight barely reached there and the air was filled with the ashes and smoke.

"I need you to get me out of her," The woman yelled.

"I need to know your name, mam,"

"You fucking fix my leg, it's killing me," The woman yelled as she tried to get out of the car.

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