What I Am

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"Karev. Dr Grey, I am clipping a basilar tip aneurism. Any interest."

"No, Grey's with me today," Renee commented when Derek asked the interns.

"Dr Bailey can I get..."

Renee who sitting by the computer doing some research looked up to see Derek and Addison pausing and looking at each other.

"Oh my god," Renee looked up to see Addison's gaze fixed at someone, following her gaze, she saw Mark shaking hands with Webber, a smile on his face.


"Oh my God... " Meredith said.

"Is that..." George said.


"More like McCheater,"

When suddenly the oxygen cylinder in one of the rooms had blown up startling everybody and Meredith threw up. However, Renee's eyes were fixed on Mark who walked out of the Cheif's cabin with the Cheif following him.

"Make sure he has an airway. Sir, can you hear me?" Mark said as he checked Mr Sullivan. Renee was standing outside the room, her eyes focused on her ex-boyfriend.

 "No, he's out. Hit his head. Small hematoma in the occipital region,"

"Get him to the burn unit until he's stabilized and get a CT. GO! 

"Right away Dr!! Come on." Dr Bailey said as she and George walked outside the room.

"You know watching someone is considered creepy," Mark commented as he met his eyes with Renee.

"What are you doing here? Why are you wearing the hospital's coat?"

"You are now seeing the Head of Plastics," 

"What did you do with the practice?"

"Sold it," Mark said as he walked out of Mr Sullivan's room and into the on-call room.

"Sold it? You can't do that!" She said as she followed him into the room

"Technically, I can," She took one last look at him before turning back and leaving the room to go find the Cheif. Mark following her.

"What kind of idiot lights a cigarette in a hospital," Richard said.

"Apparently people do idiotic things all the time." Derek and Mark exchange a glare and Chief walks away, going up the stairs and Derek follows him 

"Chief. Chief!" Renee called after the Chief as she followed him.

"He is a liar. And a cheat,"

"I cannot believe this, you know what he did, to us,"

"The man is one of the finest plastic surgeons in the country. His department will generate twice the revenue neurosurgery or oncology does. 

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