Chapter 17 Gone Too Far

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Kai's Pov (show)

After both Zanes were back to normal, we fled the scene before any police or cameras arrived. We didn't want anyone to think it was our friends' faults for causing this.

Once we arrived at the Secret Ninja Force's base Zane grew concerned.

"What happened, when we were offline?" He asked in a serious tone. None of us wanted to tell him, either of them. Lloyd stepped alittle closer with a weary look.

"Zane... you both... well..," Lloyd trailed off as he was at a loss for words.

"Did I do that to you?" Zane asked as he pointed to me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Did what to me?" I gave a question back as I was confused at what he was pointing at.

"That large bruise on your cheek, Kai," Zane answered with a grim expression. I placed a hand on my cheek only to feel that it was alittle swollen. It caused me to look back on the fight we had moments ago and remember that Zane did punch me hard at one point. I then pulled my hand away and shrugged it off.

"It's just a bruise. I'll live," I joked about it.

"That's not funny, Kai," Zane said, before he walked away. I watched him storm off as he looked angered. I honestly never seen him that mad before. He sat down on the couch and placed his head in his hand.

"Zane, no one got hurt. It's okay--" Jay tried to make him feel better.

It's not okay!" He spoke with anger, but his voice was still calm.

"Uh, guys? You may want to see this," I heard my sister say. I turned in her direction to see that she was staring at a monitor. Sensi Wu was by her side giving the same concern stare. All of us turned towards the monitor to see that it was showing the news... oh great.

"Pixal, can you raise the volume?" Nya requested.

"Certainly," Pixal replied and the volume was raised.

"A vicious battle took place here moments ago as large towers of ice and snow cover the streets of downtown. We weren't able to capture footage of our own, but several civilians witnessed and videoed what exactly went down," A female reporter spoke, before a new video covered the screen. My body grew tense once I realized that it was footage from our battle.
"Here is one video taken by a civilian's phone. Keep in mind this battle may be hard watch, so viewer discretion is advised," The woman said. I saw that the video showed parts of both Zanes attacking us along with us trying to restrain them. I glanced at both Zanes to see how they were taking this. Zane's copy gave a look of horror, while our Zane gave off a speechless gaze. I turned back to the screen and noticed the reporter again who was now talking to a man.

"Sir, can you tell us exactly what transpired?" She asked.

"Well, it's just like the video I showed you. Those ice ninjas came down out of no where and started ruffing up the rest of those rainbow colored ninjas. It was insane," The man explained. The reporter then switched to a woman who stepped in behind the man.

"Yeah, I recognized some of those ninjas, especially one of the ice guys. He and some of the others are definitely part of the Secret Ninja Force," The woman spoke. The reporter nodded as she turned to another man.

"I just don't know why the Ice Ninja would just attack the others like that. I always thought he was a cool dude... pun not intended. But now... I'm not sure what to think," He said; a couple other civilians nodded. The reporter then began to listen to someone talking through her ear piece.

"I just got word that police have identified some of the ninja in the fight, including the other ice one, were the criminals who broke into a jewelry store just last night. Could our beloved Ice Ninja be collaborating with these criminals? And who are these other elemental powered foes? What has our heroic ninjas come to? There will be more on this topic at 11," The lady finished, before the screen changed again. Nya's copy turned off the monitor; she grew a frustrated gaze as she glanced at Zane's copy. The little guy was trembling badly. He may be a robot, but tears still spilled from his eyes. Lloyd's copy started walking towards him.

Ninjago and Ninjago Movie CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang