Chapter 18 A Sign of Betrayal

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Lloyd's Pov (Show)

"I'm sorry... I need to do what now?" Nya's copy asked as she cocked an eyebrow.

"You need to go over the planks, dodge the swords, and then whack the dummy!" Jay exclaimed for the fifth time.

"Okay... so does that me I whack you in the face after I dodge the swords?" She spoke with sarcasm straight through her tone. I couldn't help but chuckle at that comment.

"Look, the way we learned Spinjitzu was kind of complicated. We had to memorize this specific obstacle course and then reenact it during a battle with skeletons...," Jay trailed off once he realized that he gave way too much information which caused the Secret Ninja Force to grow even more confused. Jay then sighed.

"Wait, you learned Spinjitzu just from an obstacle course?" Kai's copy asked. Jay and I nodded. "So then is that what the others are building outside?" He continued as he pointed outside of the warehouse to show the rest of our team gathering wood or other supplies.

"Yeah, like Jay said, the way our Sensi taught us was abit complicated," I explained.

"The point of it is though," Kai joined in as he walked over to us. "If you can get through the obstacle course in a short amount of time, without messing up, then you'll be able to figure out the rest on your own," Kai said.

"It's all about memorizing how you move throughout the obstacle. If you can memorize it, then you'll be able to understand how to do Spinjitzu," I explained further. Nya's copy then sighed, before she turned towards her Sensi.

"Sensi, please tell me your way of teaching Spinjitzu is less crazy then their's?" She asked. Sensi Wu turned away from the computer and stroked his beard.

"Well actually, my method was taking a long journey to find the original sources of all your elemental powers, but before that, we would need to find six keys, each located in the most dangerous areas of the world,".

"Cool!" Nya's copy and her brother both exclaimed as if they were about to start the journey right now. My eyes widened at how excited they were about hearing such a dangerous journey. My copy, though, stopped them.

"No, we don't have time for all that. We have to stop that gang, before they try to do anything else. And besides, we still have Jay and Cole's copy to save, right guys?" He reminded them. Nya and Kai's copy both slumped down and agreed. Wow, I don't know if those two ever noticed, but they act alot alike sometimes. My copy then walked up to me.

"We'll do your way. Is there any way we can help out?" He asked.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem like we can head back to school anytime soon, so we're free for anything," Kai's copy commented. I smiled at their enthusiasm, before I replied with a slight nod.

Stellar's pov

As I rushed through the barely lit hallway, my pace soon slowed once I came closer and closer to the end.

No one is allowed to disrupt Quill's work unless I say so

My boss's words ringed in my mind as reached for the door knob. I glanced behind my shoulder to make sure no one was around. I took in a slow breath; my nerves subsided. Confidence roared back inside me as my anger ignited once again. I pushed open the door and stormed in.

"Quill!" I nearly shouted. The busy worker almost fell over at the sudden call of his name.

"Will people stop barging in here like that?! I'm gonna end up with a heart attack at age 23!" He exclaimed as he held his hand to his chest. His expression then changed once he noticed my scowl.
"Stellar? What's wrong?" He questioned with concern.

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