Get In The Way

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You bite into your sandwich, as you scrolled through your Instagram feed. You turned around, as you heard the sound of a door opening and you watched as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Good morning.", Jimin smiled, as he hugged you and let his hand wander to your big tummy and rubbed it softly, "How are you guys doing? Did he give you any trouble last night?"

"We are doing great and no luckily he didn't and I was able to finally get some good sleep.", you answered and watched him walk to the fridge.

"I'm glad to hear that. I have work until 4 and then I'll go to the supermarket, after that we can relax and watch a movie if you want to?"

"Yeah that would be great.", you smiled, as you stood up to put your dishes into the sink, but Jimin beat you to it and told you to sit down.

"Do you want anything from the supermarket?"

"No thanks."

"Vanille ice cream and strawberries will be it.", you laughed at how good he knew you and he soon joined you.
But your laughter soon died down, as another person made themselves present.

You watched as she walked to Jimin and kissed him on the lip. You cringed, as you kept looking at them with disgust. You didn't even try to hide it.

"Good morning babe.", Anna said, as she put her tongue into his mouth once again, completely ignoring you. You started to feel like a third wheel, but you weren't going to leave.

"Well good morning to you too Anna.",   you said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh yeah hey.", she responded after finally taking her hands off of him. But she shut you out again, as she turned around twoards Jimin again. She whispered something to him, as they both started giggling again.

You didn't like it at all and you knew that Anna was being extra flirty and all touchy with him on purpose. You knew that was a way of her telling you that Jimin was hers and all hers.

But you didn't care about the message she was trying to send to you. Cuz you knew that you were way better than her and that you had an advantage. A big advantage actually. You were pregnant and that with his child too.

You couldn't stand watching them anymore, so you stood up as an evil smile spread on your face. You quickly got into acting and put a hand on your tummy, as you groaned.

Jimin's attention immediately turned twoards you. He pushed Anna slightly to the side, as he walked to you, with worry written all over his face.

"Are you in pain?", he asked as he put his hand on your back and held your hand.

"Ahh I don't know the baby it's just..ahh."

Anna on the other hand just rolled her eyes, as she watched how Jimin took care of you. She could see right through you. You weren't in pain at all, you just wanted Jimin's attention.

"Anna come on. Why are you just standing there? Bring Y/N some water.", Jimin picked you up and laid you on the couch, in the living room.

Anna huffed, as she took a glass and filled it with water. She hated you she really did. She hated the way Jimin would drop everything just for you and get by your side. He was her husband after all. He was supposed to take care of her and stay by her side.

That's exactly what he was doing, until you came and ruined everything. At first she didn't mind you. I mean after all you were carrying their soon to be child. But as weeks past she started to notice how lovingly Jimin was twoards you and how you were completely taking advantage of it.

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