Boy Next Door

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Here you were again, looking out of your window and wondering when he would come to his room. You weren't a stalker, but if you lived right next to the most popular and handsome boy in your class, and his window was coincidentally across from your window, that allowed you to have a good sight, to whatever was in his room, wouldn't you look?

You could see him coming in the room, shirtless. Your eyes widened, as you watched every move he made. He was so beautiful, just like an animation, almost unreal. How could you not fall in love with him. Not just because of his looks, but also his caring side that he had. He wasn't the "bad boy" or the bully in your school, he was more the one who defended people and helped them whenever he could.

And that, that made you fall in love with him. Everyone had a crush on him, but he still never had a girlfriend. He didn't sleep with girls just like that or dated girls just like that, he politely declined every confession he got.

Too deep in your mind, you didn't notice another person entering his room. You blinked a few times, trying to recognize the person and you came to conclusion, that it was his best friend, Jeon Jungkook.

You couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were laughing hysterically. You couldn't help but to smile, as Taehyung showed his famous box smile. He was so cute.

Too focused on Taehyung, you didn't notice Jungkook looking right at you, until your eyes met his. Your eyes widened and your heart started beating really fast. You immediately moved away from the window and closed the curtains.

He didn't see you right? You just didn't get fucking caught right?

Laying down on your bed, you kept trying to convince yourself that he didn't see you, even though he looked right into your soul.

"Don't worry Y/N nothing happened. He didn't see you. Everything is alright."


"Bye Mom.", you said as you walked out of your house. With an apple in your hand you started walking, but immediately stopped, when you saw Taehyung and Jungkook leaving Taehyung's house. You turned around too afraid that they would see you.

You took a deep breath and than turned around again. You would just walk past them and act like nothing happened. You also had the confidence to walk past them, because you actually looked pretty good. Your outfit wasn't something special, but it looked cute.

You walked past them and was about to turn around the corner,when someone called you

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You walked past them and was about to turn around the corner,when someone called you.

"Y/N right?", you bit you're lip before turning around and facing Jungkook and Taehyung. "Um yeah?", Jungkook smirked, as he saw your panicked face.

"Would you like to ride with us? I mean you're not planning to walk to school right? It's too far away." "Thank you, but I'm good.", you didn't want to ride with them, well not with Jungkook. He clearly caught you, so you weren't really sure why he wanted you to ride with them. They have never talked to you, so it was still a surprise to you why they did now. You were about to turn around again, when Taehyung started talking.

"Are you sure? I mean you'll definitely be late, if you walk to school.", he nervously scratched the back of his head. "Oh ok. Thank you."

Who? Please who in their right mind would decline, if Kim Taehyung asked them to ride with him to school? It was actually Jungkook's idea, but still.

You got in the car and Taehyung drove off. It was silent the whole ride. Jungkook kept glazing and looking at you through the mirror. Everytime you caught him he would smirk looking at Taehyung. You was so scared, because he looked, like he was about to expose the hell out of you. At some point you just wanted to scream at him and tell him, that he should say what he wanted to say, because you couldn't live with this anxious feeling anymore.


"Thank you so much for the ride.", you said unblocking your seatbelt. "No problem. See you Y/N.", the way he said your name made you feel some type of way. His voice was so deep and good. You quickly got off the car, before you would do or say something, that you would regret later.

You were searching for your best friend Layla, ignoring all the stares that you got. People really couldn't mind their own business, you knew that they were looking at you, because you just arrived with the two most popular boys to school, but still.

"Layla!" "Hey gurll.", she hugged you, as soon as she saw you. "You won't believe what happened yesterday.", you explained everything to her, when you got caught to when you drove with them to school.

"See I told you to stop stalking him. I knew that you would get caught one day."

"I don't stalk him.", you defended yourself.

"Yeah you "coincidentally" look out of your window and wait until he enters his room.", she rolled her eyes and walked with you to the classroom.
"Ok but it became like a daily routine."

"That doesn't sound right at all.", Layla sat down on her seat, "However I don't think that Jungkook is going to say anything, because if he wanted to he would have already done it.", you hummed slightly agreeing with her.

"He's just... so good everyone wants him.", you sighed. "Well not me I'm still waiting for the Jungcock", she said casually, scrolling through her phone. You just gave her a disgusted look and laughed. That's all what she thought about.

"What? Don't act like if Taehyung wasn't yours, you wouldn't want to ride his di-"

Before she could finish the teacher came in and started the lesson.


"Y/N! Hurry up we have to go!" "I'm coming!", you shouted back running downstairs. Your mom recently joined a book club, to reveal some stress or whatever and today she wanted you to go with her. You had no choice, but to go with her, since she gave you money for that and you accepted.

Both of you left the house. You followed her, since you didn't know the way. You got confused when you started walking towards Taehyung's house.

"Mom? Why are we heading to the Kim's?", you stopped walking and looked at her. "Well Mrs Kim is the one who started this book club and she asked me if I wanted to join. Is that bad?"

"Yes! I mean no, but why?", you whined. Of course you would like to see Teahyung, but not now, not like this. You weren't prepared. "Oh come on don't be like that. Beside doesn't the boy that you always stalk live in that house."

"I don't stalk him.", you said obviously annoyed. "Yeah yeah you just "coincidentally" look out the window and wait until he enters his room.", your mom rolled her eyes and knocked on the door.

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