Love Letters

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I sighed as I opened the big doors and met the big hall, that was already filled with many students.

School was absolutely the worst, if you didn't have friends or anyone to talk to, like me. I wasn't exactly a nerd, but I wasn't popular either. I was more a quiet person and I didn't really speak unless I had to. I wasn't shy, but I also wasn't really social either. So in all it was just me, myself and I.

For some reason people had a problem with that and would always make fun of me for not being social enough? I didn't really care tho and never said anything. It wasn't like their words hurted me, because I knew that there was nothing wrong with me. I mean what's wrong with minding my own business and not always shouting through the whole school?

But there was one thing that I liked about school. The reason was right in my locker. I opened my locker and immediately smiled as I saw the baby blue letter.

It all started one month ago. Everyday when I would open my locker I would find a baby blue letter. Baby blue was my favorite color. The person who wrote the letter, would always write down compliments or something that would make me smile for the rest of the day.

Of course I was curious and wanted to  know the person, who was behind of all this letter. But at the same time I didn't want to know, I didn't know maybe I was scared to find out who it was.

I opened the letter and read the message.

Hey Y/N,

I don't really know how to strat this letter, because it's getting harder for me to write this letters, without you knowing who I am. I really want to talk to you, but you're always alone and you never talk to anyone,so I guess I'm just too shy to approach you. I hope you're doing great and that you'll have a great day. Remember that you're beautiful and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Stay strong and don't listen to what other people say about you. Keep on smiling, because you look the most beautiful when you smile!


I couldn't hide my smile anymore. I just wanted to hug the person who was behind all of this. I bite my lip, closing my locker, as I thought about why the person wouldn't just come up to me and talk to me. It's not like I looked scary or something.

"Oh why are you smiling so much in this morning?"

I immediately put the letter in my bag, after I heard Namjoons voice. I just ignored him and was about to walk past him, when he suddenly griped my arm and pushed me back.

"What do you want?", I didn't want to deal with his bullshit, not right now.

"See I wanted to talk to you. Even though you're really boring and you don't talk much, you still got a really great body. I mean look at them curves.", he said biting his lips, "So I thought about it. I select you as my new girlfriend ok?"

I blinked a few times, taking in what he just told me. After I was sure that I heard right and that I wasn't deaf , I looked at him totally disgusted and walked past him.

What the fuck. Who does he think he is? Just because he is the most popular boy in this school and could get any girl he wanted, doesn't mean that he can come to me and "select" me as his girlfriend. He didn't even asked me. Besides that I don't want to be his girlfriend , he would drop me anyways after we had sex, which of course I wouldn't have with him. Like I bet he already got all kind of illness, because of how many students and teachers he has slept with.

Pushing his words in the back of my head, I entered my class and prepared myself for the first period.


Finally we had lunch. After I got my food I made my way to an empty table. Putting my earphones in my eras, so I didn't have to deal with these people, I started eating my food.

I stopped eating, when someone pulled my earphones out of my ears. I looked up and saw no one but Kim Namjoon. I sighed, as all the eyes were on us.

"What? What do you want?"

"Oh nothing I just thought you would need something to cool down, since you haven't been in a good mood, when I met you in the morning."

Confusion was written on my face, but quickly turned to a shocked expression, when I felt something cold running down my body.

I quickly stood up after hearing all the laughter. I took my bag and my phone and was about to leave the cafeteria, when Namjoon slightly pushed me, causing me to twist my ankle and fall.

My eyes started to water, after hearing the laughters becoming louder. I've never felt so humiliated in my whole life and all of this just because I didn't want to be his girlfriend?

"Yo what the fuck Namjoon. Have you lost your mind.", I heard a familiar voice and soon my body wasn't on the floor anymore, but in someone's arms. I buried my face in his chest, too embarrassed to look up.

"Touch her again and I'm going to cut off every single finger of yours.", he said taking my belongings and finally going out of the cafeteria.

He sat me down on something soft and when I looked up I noticed that we were in the emergency room.

"Are you ok?" Looking up I met too beautiful eyes, that belonged to Park Jimin. He looked at me, worried written all over his face. "Is your ankle ok?"

Finally coming back to my sense, I finally spoke. "I'm good, it's just my ankle."

"Are you sure?" I let out a quiet 'yes' still in shock, that Park Jimin, the captain of the football team, was the person who helped me out of the horrible situation.

I flinched, when I felt his hand on my face. He whipped away my tears and stood up. "I'm sorry for what just happened. I'm going to call the doctor. You should stay right here."

He opened the door and looked at me one last time.

"Don't cry. Smile. You look the most beautiful when you smile."

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