New Dawn, New Leader

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Amelia woke up from her slumber around midnight, to see Jake snoring on the hospital chair and drooling lightly. Amelia chuckled and felt a pang of pain in the stomach. She looked down to see that she was bandaged and wrapped up looking like a present. But somehow she still felt her tissues and muscles healing. The healing process was speeding rapidly because of Jake being near her and because she was much powerful now that she was alpha. She had had a small nap and was not sleepy any more so she decided to do the only thing she of. Annoy Jake. She rolled up a tissue paper lying on the bedside table and gently tickled Jake's nose. He swat it away. Giggling to herself, she did it again. This time he snorted and hit his own face hard. Which had Amelia almost rolling on the ground laughing.

-" Really? What is the matter with you? You just won a pack and I was expecting you behave a little responsibly. Is that too much to ask? You know what don't answer that. You could've ripped those stitches laughing so hard and moving around so much Ames." Said a tired Jake.

-" You were dreaming about me, weren't you? Explains the drool." Said Amelia ignoring Jake completely.

-" My mate and the alpha of one of the biggest packs or A child? We will never know." Sighed Jake pretending to have two weights in his hands. And the second hand going down. After that Jake and Amelia both talked a little bit and then Jake checked Amelia out and they headed home. On entering the house, they headed straight to bed.

Amelia woke up to the sun shining on her face through the window, as she forgot to draw the curtains. So, she did the thing she always did when she woke up. She stretched. And she heard a loud thud. Amelia whipped her head so fast, she almost snapped her neck. All she saw was a bundle of blanket on the ground, which was squirming.

 -" One of these days, you will scar me or hurt me permanently. I swear. You are a menace to yourself and others around you." Groaned Jake from the floor. Standing up and rubbing his ass.

-" If you guys are up, please grace us by your presence downstairs. We need to go and make arrangements, Amelia you are an alpha now. Take responsibility and start with the paperwork with Dylan. By the way he is already at the office." Yelled Robert from downstairs. Amelia whined and did just that. Robert helped Dylan and Amelia was helped by Jake to understand how the things work. It was not difficult but it was a lot to take in and required a lot of efforts. By the time it was evening, Amelia was tired and had gulped half a bottle of painkillers and her wound as burning and stinging. Ignoring that, Amelia headed to the ground to confront Luke. By the time she reached there, Half the pack was there and Luke was tied to an iron chair with silver chains on Amelia's order. All the members of the pack were looking at her with a little bit of disgust and Luke with Sympathy and Pain. Amelia headed straight to Luke ignoring the slight pain of rejection by her own pack.

She grabbed his arm and slit open his arm with a silver knife and filling the wound with Wolfsbane. Luke screamed in pain.

-" Now you know, what happens when I don't like your answer. Next will be your eyes and a place a lot more sensitive. So, would you like to tell the pack, what happened 15 years ago. The story you told me when you kidnapped me. Also, what you were planning with The other Rogue Alpha?" Sneered Amelia with a few traces of Nymeria. Luke was hurt a lot and then again Amelia inflicted pain on him plus his power was gone. So, he nodded. He had been tortured enough since yesterday. Losing his pack and power, he had also lost the ability to be pretentious, he knew this was it for him. So, told the whole truth about how he killed his family and plotted to sell the pack. The whole pack was growing angrier with every passing word. Once, he was done, the whole pack gasped. They were furious was an understatement. Amelia felt their anger. She also felt all the wolves in control itching to kill Luke. Amelia sent out her scent hoping to calm them down and assured them all through her mind link. After which Amelia growled in her authoritarian voice.

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