Good Cop, Bad Cop

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Around midnight when everyone was asleep, Amelia sneaked out and went straight to the pack jail. Usually there was no security there but today there were two Sentinels stationed right outside the main gate. Amelia hadn't taken into account that there will be guards here. So, she did the only sensible thing she could think of. No, it was not turning and leaving. She took a big rock and threw it in the direction opposite to her current location. Which distracted the guards momentarily. And she descended down to the holder cells. The thing about these cells was that, they were once the torture rooms for the Prisoners of war. So they were built with so much precision that they were almost soundproof. Inside the cells the sound couldn't escape but in the hallway somehow the sound amplified. There was some badass physics involved which Amelia wasn't interested in. She made her way to the cell were the attacker was kept. And fortunately it was the last cell, farthest from guards.

Amelia went inside the cell by picking the lock obviously. A trick she learned for fun but was now proving to be useful. And placed the duffel bag she brought with her on the floor. The cell was very small and gross room. Lined with rock which was chipped and covered with moss. There was no source of light in the room except for the small window high up in the room, which showed nothing but the thicket of the woods around. The moonlight was falling in the room, revealing a man hanging by his hands. His hands were bound by the chains made of silver which was causing the flesh on his hands to produce a sizzling sound every time he moved. The chains were starting from the roof and were elevating him in such a way that his feet were hardly touching the ground. All the silver had caused him to lose his conscious so he didn't notice the presence of another wolf.

Amelia grabbed the flask of water she brought with her and splashed it on his face. This caused him to regain his conscious. He snarled and barred his teeth because the chains were pushing deep into his skin.

-"Who sent you?" Amelia got straight down to business. She felt this uncontrollable rage inside of her. All she wanted to do was rip this wolf's throat out and she was itching for it. She controlled herself somehow yet. Nymeria wanted control and Amelia was more than happy to comply.

-"Answer me!!" She growled.

The rogue just raised his head to look into Nymeria's icy blue eyes and fear was rising in his dark green eyes. His face was round, and he was short for a wolf. His stature was lean and his hair was blonde with streaks of brown and black in between. His hair was matted flat on his forehead.

-"You are not the alpha." Is all he said in a tiring, yet adamant voice.


-"You have no right to ask me anything."

-"Oh don't you worry Chuckles. If I need I will take the right. Like right now."

-"Why do I feel like you already know the answer to your own question? Huh?"

-"I don't know what you are talking about. Now answer me right this instant or I might be forced to switch to different methods. I mean we could do this the easy way or the hard way." Growled Nymeria.

-"What other methods are we talking about love?"

Nymeria decided that it would be better if she showed him. So smirking Nymeria went back to her duffel and put on the leather gloves she brought and took out a glistening object. On coming into the light the rogue saw that it was a silver knife. He put on his best facade but it was difficult with the silver chains burning into his wrists. She went straight to wolf and slashed to right across his face. He let out a very loud and painful scream.

-"That was not just silver, was it?" He asked panting and trying to level his breathing.

-"Nope 'love' it was silver laced with wolfsbane. Burns doesn't it? Now do we have an answer?"

-"Eat me."

-"Fine then."

This time Nymeria gave him no chance to speak. She picked up a fist full of wolfsbane and rubbed it right into his wounds right around the wrists and the angry lash on his face. He only howled out but couldn't shift because of the wolfsbane.

-"Tell me now." Nymeria growled menacingly.

-"Okay okay."


-"Luke Harvard."

This time Amelia slashed open his shirt along with his chest and poured the wolfsbane in the wound.

-"I know who. Now, What I want is why. And someone once told me that patience is not one of virtues so. I want to know and I want to now why?"

-" How about I tell you why sweetheart?" Said a voice from behind Nymeria and just as she turned around to see a dart hit her right in the neck. All she saw was the silhouette of someone before it all went dark again.

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