Patience is the key

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What felt like hours were days yet again. Amelia was fed up of going dark and getting up after days. It felt like waking up from the dead, like the walking dead. Groaning Amelia woke up and got dressed. She wore one of her father's old t-shirts which was very big for her. Reaching past her mid thigh and shorts which had little dinosaurs on it. The shorts disappeared under her shirt. And then she made her way down to the living room. She saw her mate and surprisingly Dylan sitting on the couch eating what looked like waffles and the scent too told Amelia they were blue berry waffles. She made her down the stairs and climbed into Dylan's lap sniffing his plate and taking a bite of the waffles when he offered her a bite. She heard growl and turned her attention to the source which was Jake. He was shooting daggers at Dylan, who tried to back away but Amelia growled at Dylan and he continued the task at hand. 

All the while when Dylan was feeding Amelia, Jake was stiffening slowly and was close to attacking Dylan when Robert came into the living room carrying a plate of waffles for himself. When he saw the three of them, he paused and lightly shook Amelia. Who looked up at him and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Then sighing she got up from Dylan's lap and sitting on the floor.

-" Uhhh What the hell?" Asked a very jealous Jake.

-"It's kind of their thing. Best not to question it." Replied Robert.

Amelia felt Jensen growling at Nymeria and her growling back. Jake was giving her a stink eye and she gave him one back. After god knows how long of staring at each other, Dylan cleared his throat. And said something;

-"I'm sorry what?" Asked Amelia.

-"We need to talk. I was hoping we could talk privately." He repeated.

-"No we don't. You want to talk. And we will talk right here." 

-" Okay. Ames, I am sorry. I know all the things I said that day were terrible and I regret them horribly."

-"It's fine Dy. Honestly. Amber was my sister too and I too felt horrible. You had to get the anger out somehow and you took it out on me. I mean me better than you parents. I think I would've done the same."

-"What happened?" Interrupted Jake.

On explaining Amelia and Robert had to physically hold Jake down from tearing Dylan apart. 


-"Jen calm down. Please calm down,Jen. He said it in sorrow. That's a pass. It's okay. Plus my pack has to know that they can rant to me or tell me what needs to be done. We need a participative relation. Just relax." Tried Amelia, while Nymeria too was trying by releasing some calming pheromones. Which worked cause Jensen did calm down. So did Jake.

-"Well I better be going if I want to leave in a single piece. I promise to make it up to you. No matter how long it takes." Begged Dylan and hugged Amelia before taking his leave. 

As soon as he left, Amelia was embraced in a tight hug and was being sniffed. She raised her eyes to see Jake rubbing his scent on her. Making sure that she didn't smell like Dylan anymore. And all this while, Robert was busy thinking god knows what. 

-"Now that's better. You don't smell like him anymore. Now you smell like me." Said a satisfied Jake.

-"Awesome. Now I will have to go and take a bath again." Said Amelia, showing Jake her tongue when he pouted.


Jake ended up staying for dinner. One thing led to another and they stopped on the topic of The Pack. Amelia told them all that had actually happened. The whole torture thing and the kidnapping. After which the mate was ready to hulk out but the father knew better.

-"I mean I couldn't even get Nymeria to calm down. It was like she was not a part of me anymore. It was so scary. She went all she-hulk on the alpha. I tried to calm her but nothing seemed to work. I couldn't even talk. I tired to get a few words out it was like my brain couldn't form the words." Amelia explained.

-" That is what I was afraid of. You remember when I told you about the Female Alphas and their ' Anger issues'?" Robert asked, the conversation now interested Jake as well, but even though he had calmed down, Jensen had not. So, Jake got up and sat next to Amelia his nose buried in her neck. Amelia giggled as it tickled her, but this seemed to calm Jensen down as he started to purr. Causing both the father and the daughter to roll their eyes and continue.

-" Yea, something about how the pack is their baby, and losing control." Amelia recollected.

-"Precisely. When The alpha tried to force you to submit, The first thought Nymeria had was the pack is not safe, and then the fact that this person was not your mate..." Robert said. Causing Jake to grumble in Amelia's neck, 'how can she choose the pack over me....' Knowing fully well he would do the same were the roles reversed.

-" Well, so Nymeria entered a mindset where she was in the most primal wolf headspace. It happens to male alphas and betas well when their mates or family or someone very close to them is in danger. It's rare but it does happen. Which is why you need to be even more careful Ames. In times like this Nymeria would be of little to no use to you." Robert completed. Nymeria was sticking out her tongue at Robert but even she knew he was right. 

Robert advised them to get some rest and then, they could brainstorm ideas about what to do next. Amelia already knew what had to be done. But she wasn't planning on telling them because then they would try to stop her to try to talk to her.

She was going to challenge the alpha for his position. She will fight for the pack. For her right.


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