You Fight Like A Girl............. ............................Thank You.

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The whole day was a blur after waking up in the morning. Amelia wanted nothing more than to just divert her mind from the obvious reason. But the more she thought of avoiding it, the more anxious she became. Robert offered to take a break, but Amelia insists that he goes because she didn't want people thinking he was playing favourites. So here she was, two hours from her trial. If she won then, she could challenge the alpha and save her pack. But if not then, not only her but also her father would be charged with treason. Which would mean that no other pack would accept them and they would be rogues. And that is never good. Which means she wins, all good. She loses then they are the most wanted and on all the packs list. So yeah, no pressure. 

The trial was set at 7.30. At 6.45, Amelia made her way to the training ground. The ground was fenced and there were panels made for the elders to sit on. There were two large chairs for the Alpha and the Beta. There were some smaller chairs for the elder members of the pack. They were the retired and present head sentinels, salutaries, hunters and the elder experienced members. Amelia made her way to the designated corner and let her gaze wander off to figure out who she was going to be fighting. And when she saw her opponents, she felt like burying herself in the ground and never coming out ever. Standing in the opposite corner was no other than Tyler and Jace. Her Trainer and her best friend. Wow. That is not at all complicated. She knew that the alpha had done this on purpose. He knew that Amelia was more than loyal to her pack and her close pack mates and would never hurt them and he was taking advantage of the same thing. But little did he know that Amelia was very adamant and that she would win no matter the opponent. 

Just before Amelia was to present herself in front of the panel, the alpha come to 'have a word' with Amelia. And the first thing Amelia saw when he turned to face her was his smirk. And she felt Nymeria cursing at Amelia to let her be in control. Pushing her further back Amelia growled at the alpha.

-" You did this on purpose didn't you? You son of a bitch."

-" You wanted to fight. Well here is your fight. And don't forget when you lose, I will be there to show you mercy. I will be the great alpha that spares his pack members. I will give you the choices- Marry me or die in vain. And guess what? You will go for option one. Do you know why? Because I will kill your father and all your little friends. I will hold them all in condemn of plotting to deceive the alpha. When I put a knife to their throat, you will beg for forgiveness."  Smirked the alpha.

-" Screw you." Snarled Amelia made her way to the middle of the ground.

Tyler and Jace followed suite. As they all faced the panel, Mr. Carver started speaking.

-" Each of you will choose three pairs of weapons and will attack with a motive of....."

-" Hurting the opponent and causing them so much pain that they are on the edge of death. But not dead." Interrupted a very amused Alpha. Everyone gasped but no one dare question the Alpha.

Amelia was looking at her father for help but so was the alpha. So that he could call Robert out for playing favourites. So Amelia kept quite. And headed towards the weaponry. There were all weapons there. But Amelia knew which to choose. She grabbed two short daggers, A long sword and a short sword and a pair of steel knuckledusters. Her only issue was that, Tyler was her teacher, he knew her weak spots and strong points. Jace was easy to handle, he was easily distracted but he was her friend and Tyler was going to be a challenge.

Mr. Carver stood up again once they all chose their weapons and spoke directly to the boys.

-" Now, we need a nice and clean match boys. Remember you are fighting a girl...."

-"But don't fight thinking it's a girl." Amelia interrupted.

Which made everyone smile, even the alpha cracked the smallest of smile. Her father on the other hand gave her a wink. Amelia was fighting Jace first and then Tyler. Around 7.25 Amelia and Jace made their way to the middle again. And took their defensive stances. And at 7.30 sharp, a whistle gave them a signal to start. 

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