A Very Blurry Day

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-"Did you have to give her so much morphine?" Asked a very concerned father, though he was more concerned about all of them.

-" Your daughter has a sprained ankle, which has almost healed but still she will have to use crutches for two weeks; five broken ribs; one dislocated shoulder, which will have a cast for almost a week and ton of internal bleeding; which we stopped and she will be very weak and you know why, BECAUSE SHE DOES'NT HAVE HER WOLF!! And you want to know why she was pumped with morphine." Finished Amanda with slight panting.

-"Okay. Relax will you? We are trying to get her wolf back. Can we just take her home now, please?" Asked Robert.

-"Fine, her meds are prescribed. And she will need a checkup in two weeks though. And you bring her to me, because we can't have  everyone knowing that Amelia lost her wolf, right before her 18th birthday." Amanda whispered the last part.

Dylan and Josh went to bring Amelia so, they could take her back to her house. Robert was called and summoned by the alpha to discuss the matters of the rogues entering the territory and the crap. Like he didn't know. So now Amelia was stuck with her friends. Sam was checking her out. Jace was busy buying her meds and the rest of the two were trying to get her to come with them.

-"I Don't wanna gooooooo." Amelia was chanting this for fifteen minutes now. Finally Dylan had had enough so he put her on his shoulder and left the hospital.

-"HELP, HELP. KIDNAP. KIDNAP." Yelled Amelia at the top her lungs.

-" I will let you down, but you will behave and walk home with like a good girl yes?" Asked Dylan. Amelia nodded. And was put down with crutches under her armpits.

They were waiting for Jace to come back with the meds which was taking forever and so Amelia taught it was good idea for some reason to swing her good leg. And her shoe flung itself to god knows where and Amelia saw it fly. She started giggling, then frowning and as if on cue, Jace showed up and they were going to leave.

-"C'mon Amy. Let's g....What did you do?" Asked Dylan.

-"I lost my shoe." She said innocently, wriggling her sock cladded toes for emphasis.

Groaning Dylan took off his own shoe and put it on Amelia and beckoned her to move with the rest of the gang in tow. They were walking home peacefully till they reached the training grounds where they saw no one but Tyler working out. Amelia saw Tyler and waved like a little kid, Tyler in return waved back, smiling and ran to them.  

-"Hey guys, What's up?" He asked.

-"The sky. Silly." Amelia said and started giggling again.

-" What? Ames, you okay?"

-"I'm perfect baby. You on the other hand, wow. Breathless. Have you been working out?" Amelia exclaimed fanning her face, like a fan girl. Tyler looked confused for a minute then he realised.

-"Morphine?" He asked the others, who nodded."Okay then."

-"Ty, you like me right? I mean of course you do. And I like you too. But this a bit too soon, don't you think? There are kids here." She said pointing at a shirtless Tyler who was not sure that he was supposed to be faltered or embarrassed.

-"C'mon Amy we will get you home before you kill Ty here with your charisma. You don't want that to happen do you?" Asked Josh who sometimes becomes the mother too.

Finally with a lot of trouble and enduring random hits and snarky comments from Amelia who was a giggling mess, they reached home. And deposited her on the couch. After a while she started getting hungry and bored. Then Dylan was on pancake duty which she spit out because they didn't taste like her father's. Then she craved ice cream, and of course the one flavour that wasn't at home. And after two hours of insufferable pain and chattering on Amelia's part, she fell asleep. 

Amelia finally woke up the next day on the couch around afternoon. She looked around to see dirty plates scattered all around. With her friends laying around with the plates. Somehow, Jace had gotten himself settled under the coffee table. Josh was sleeping on Dylan and Sam was with his lower half on the other couch and lower half on the floor. Apparently her father came home late last night as there were plates in the sink and his dirty shoes were laying on the floor. There was a note on her phone which lay on the coffee table. Which caused her to groan loudly that her friends woke up with a start.

-"What?" They all asked unison. And Amelia showed them the note. All chuckled reading it. All but Amelia. The note said;

                          Your birthday is in a week. And we are going shopping.


Sorry, I know recently the whole cycle of updating has been disrupted. I honestly apologise, Let's just say that this is a tough time. I promise to update every week now. There is a slight change though. I will update on every Tuesday and Saturday henceforth. Hope you enjoy. Please like, share and comment. Thank you so much reading.

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