Blood is thicker than water, isn't it?

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_ "You do remember, don't you?" Said the stranger.

_ " I don't know what you are talking about , now get off my territory." Boomed the alpha in his loud authoritarian voice. Giving Amelia goosebumps but it seemed to have little to no effect on the intruder.

-" Oh, I am not a member of your pack boy. And let's not forget I too am an alpha. You don't scare me." Laughed the other alpha.

-" Now let's talk business shall we? You, my young alpha will hand over your pack to me. And then your little secret stays a secret."

-" What? Why will I do that?"asked the alpha in an irritated voice.

_ "Playing hard to get, are we? Do you not remember, I saved your ass 15 years ago and I gave you the brilliant idea to kill your family. You little cunt. And the reward for that is your pack." The other alpha explained.

-"What? You said you wanted a place in my pack. Which my father refused. Now I am the alpha, I decide." he said threateningly.

"Let's not get nasty. I could kick your ass into next week, you do well to remember that. As for the pack you will hand it to me. And this not black mail. You made a deal fair and square. I simply skipped a few details. Because you give me your pack you live, you don't and the pack knows the truth and they kill you. Might I add that your pack has a very gruesome way of treating disobedience. "

_" You mean you will take my pack but no one has to know I killed my parents during the war?"

_" Yes that is exactly what I am saying. Now was that difficult?"

-" Fine but how will we do it?"

The voices began to fade as Amelia took off into the dead of the night. She was in control, somewhere during whole conversation Nymeria slipped the control to her and receded back in her head. She refused to even let her presence be felt. Amelia on the other hand was feeling like someone had stabbed her with a blade of silver and was twisting it in her gut. She felt betrayed, numb and most of all was disappointed. The way she was feeling can not be put in words. Imagine the worst kind of pain you can, this was ten times worse than that. You see every wolf is connected to each other in a pack. They are not just a pack or a family. They all were a part of something big, they all complete each other. The connection was the strongest with the alpha. The pack is ready to die or kill for the alpha and vice versa. But right now Amelia was questioning everything. This betrayal was nothing unexplainable. The alpha who was suppose to protect the whole pack was selling the pack. Why? Just to save his own neck. That too after committing this unforgivable sin. Killing your own family. Amelia was speechless and was running till she saw the lights of her house. Shit! Her dad realised that she sneaked out. Could this night get any more worse?

If she only knew. Amelia ran to the shed. Her spare clothes were stacked there, every time she sneaked out. She pulled over the closest clothes she could find. A pair of grey sweatpants and an extremely loose sweatshirt. Which once belonged to her father. Amelia had a habit of wearing clothes two times bigger for her and which belonged to someone else. She snuck in her dad's room to 'Borrow' his clothes. Because they were comfy. But at this point, there was absolutely nothing that would fill the hole in Amelia's chest. Or make her feel better. So after pulling on her clothes, She saw her own reflection in the mirror on the shed wall. It was her mother's. Her dad put it here after her death. Every time he saw it, it reminded him of her. That is the reason he put it here. He hardly comes here anyway. He was the Beta of the last alpha and now he was reinstated by the new alpha, the son of the last alpha. After the last alpha's death. Which now turns out to be was murder. The thought alone makes bile rise in her throat. Looking at her reflection she realised for the first time that she was crying. There were tear marks streaming down her cheeks. Leading all the up to her blue eyes. Usually shining and reflecting the clear sky. Now showed nothing but emptiness. She felt like that too. Like her body was soulless. Her jet black hair, tangled and knotted. The sweat had matted it to her forehead. Her face was truly beautiful. All the features placed perfectly. The nose pointed and placed symmetrically between her eyes. Her lips, red and thin. A slight vertically elliptical face. She was in fact even taller than any of the girls in the pack and even some boys. But they refused to admit it. Her Frame was lean and muscular. Which was an unlikely word for a girl. But her training had had that effect on her.

Once she was ready or as ready as she will be to tell her father about the alpha, she started walking towards the house. She stood outside the main door and took deep breaths trying to calm herself down but it was useless. Her heart beating so fast, it threatened to burst out of her chest cavity. She slowly opened the door and peaked inside. To her expectation her father was standing at the bottom the stairs in the far right corner of the living room, waiting for her.

Her father was a man in his mid 40s, with salt and pepper hair as any man his age should be. If they say that their hair is naturally black or aging slowly that is a big fat lie. Anyway, back to the point, He too was tall and had muscles no old man should have. But then again, what was normal about this family. So, his face was lined and wrinkled due to the stress of the job. Yet he was a handsome lad, sorry man. His face was stern but mostly it was just an act. And Amelia saw right through it.

-"We need to talk." Said the father and daughter in unison.

-"Okay, you first." Again.

-" Amelia just stop now. Come here and sit. What happened? I can feel the hurt and pain from your scent."

-" Actually dad I think it's you who should sit down. I don't come bearing good news." Suggested Amelia.

-" When have you ever? First it was the incident where you set the kitchen on fire, then your cousin's hair and then you beating up boys."

-" Dad..." started Amelia, but was interrupted.

-"You were never the sane one in the lot, were you?"

-" Dad please, just listen...."Amelia was feeling her anger boil , as her father interrupted her again.

-" What were you thinking sneaking out like this. And I am more than sure that this was not the first time. What I don't understand is how did Nymeria allow it? What you threatened her?"

-"DAD PLEASE SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!!" Boomed Amelia. Which startled her father and he looked at her with wide eyes.

_ "Oh my god!! dad I am so sorry. Shit I am sorry but please just listen to me will you?" Said Amelia immediately.

_"Okay, I am sitting down and listening." Replied her shocked father. Amelia was short tempered and raised her voice every once in a while. But the voice was her yet it wasn't, the dominance was something different. Alas, she kept surprising herself and her old man.

-" Now dad what I am trying to say is not easy to say, so please don't interrupt me. And I know this will be even more difficult to hear. Don't kill me okay?"

-" ummm. Okay." Agreed her father suspiciously.

Amelia then proceeds to tell her father everything that happened. She could see that the Beta in him was ready to attack so she backed away slowly. Once she was done she slowly raised her head to meet her father's eyes. She didn't even realise when she bowed down and submitted under the gaze of the Beta of the pack. But as soon as she looked up, she wished she hadn't. Her father was not her father anymore.


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