The Call of the Mate

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-"Finally. I am never doing that again. Ever." Groaned Amelia. After 3 hours of agonisingly painful trying clothes on and walking around, Robert and Amelia were finally back. Shopping was a disaster. Normally it would be a fun day for any girl. But by now I think we established that nothing is normal in this pack.

-"Oh c'mon. It was not that bad." Said the Beta.

-"Dad, we went to a thousand shops in that stupid town mall and bought only 2 dresses."

-"Well whose fault is that. You were practically thrown out of 3 shops."

-"I only asked if they were short on fabric. All the dresses were either too short or were torn at random places. It was too much skin, dad. I am right and you know it." Amelia whined.

-"Amy, darling, my sweet little daughter; BEHAVE LIKE A TEENAGER ONCE PLEASE. These lines are suppose to be mine not yours, young girl." Replied a very tired father.

Shaking his head Robert headed for the office and Amelia left for training. Where she actually felt like she belonged. Although she was still recovering, Amelia was bored at home so she spend most of her time on the field. It's been five days since Amelia got out of the hospital and her ankle was better but she still limped. Amelia refused use the crutches and was better off walking like a new born baby. Her shoulder was almost healed. So she could at least do some work out. 

-"Hey look, it's Bambi." Exclaimed a very amused Jace as Amelia was wobbling over to them.

-"Says the stupid basking serpent." Retorted Amelia.

-"What are you doing here anyway. You should be trying to bring back Nymeria."Said a very concerned Dylan.

-"I gave up. I can't do it anymore . I tried the library. The stupid psychic thing and tried talking to dad, who talked to the elders by the way. There is no way to get her back if she doesn't want to come back." Replied a very frustrated Amelia.

-"You do know that your birthday is the day after tomorrow, and the full moon is six days after your birthday. Your classification is within 8 days and you don't have your wolf. What will you do?" Started a panicked Sam.

-" We will find a way. Relax guys." Tried a equally panicked Josh.

-"Yeah let's be positive. Because that's how all the problems are to be dealt with." Said Amelia sarcastically.

-"And how do you usually deal with problems, miss half glass full?" Replied Dylan just as sarcastically.

-"Usually, you know, I am the fan of just ignoring the problems till they eventually go away." Smirked Amelia.

-"Hilarious. Now you lot who are still fit, get your asses to training before I break your bones and send you home with this one." Came the voice of a very annoyed and irritated Tyler. And nobody messes with an angry Tyler, he can be dangerous.

So all the young wolves scattered. And he ordered Amelia to go home. So reluctantly she headed home. 


Thirty mins later, after a lot of wobbling and lots of falling down a couple of times, Amelia finally reached home. And opened the front door. As soon as she did, she saw someone standing in the living room with their back turned to Amelia. Her first thought was thief and so she attacked. She tiptoed close to the person and then leapt. The person must've heard her when a floorboard creaked. He turned in time to dodge her and counter attacked. He punched and this time Amelia dodged and caught his wrist, pinning it to his chest. His other hand was trying to choke her. So she tripped him by kicking his leg with her good one, wincing again as all her body weight was on her hurt leg; and they fell down on the floor. They were rolling on the floor like kids, kicking and punching. Finally Amelia got the grip she wanted, the stranger was trying to punch her and one hand was on her leg trying to get the blade from her shoe which was sticking out. Amelia gripped the hand punching her and twisted his arm. He yelped out in pain and she grabbed his other hand and turned him on his back. Both his arms were behind his back and Amelia was sitting on his back with his legs kept in place by her own.

-"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my house?" Amelia yelled.

-"Who are you?" Asked the stranger.

-"Amelia?" Came a voice from up the stairs.

As Amelia and the boy raised their heads to see Robert at the top of the stairs.

-"Let him go, you stupid girl, he is the Beta of the Ember Moon Pack." Said a very scared and panicked Robert. Attacking the Beta of another pack could mean the sign of war. And right now they needed to be on the good side this particular pack.

Amelia let go of the Beta immediately. Apologising profusely. Bowing her head down in respect.

-"Jackson?" Came another voice from the top of the stairs.

-"Alpha! Sir, I swear, I wasn't looking and this girl suddenly came at me. I swear sir. Believe me please." The guy named Jackson whimpered.

-"Relax, Jackie. Wait a minute, you got beat up by a girl?" Asked the amused voice.

Amelia raised her head finally as the voiced sounded very close. When she raised her head to see the alpha and was frozen, transfixed in the spot. So was the Alpha. Their eyes met and everything stopped.  Amelia's eyes flickered blue. But not the normal dark blue her eyes are, the icy cold blue. Like an Alpha? Maybe it's the light thought Robert. But the Alpha on the other hand saw that too and he knew who's this was and bowed his head in respect. So did Amelia, as a respect to the Alpha. Everyone one was damn confused. It wasn't a frequent occurrence. The Alphas of packs never bow to anyone, ANYONE! Since, it's in their blood to never show show signs of weakness and they have to respected. The two were busy bowing their heads down while both the Betas were looking at each other for some sort of answer. 

The Alpha was the first to raise his head with his wolf in complete control. There was a sudden change on the air. Now it was the Beta's who bowed their heads and backed away. The Alpha took in the appearance of Amelia and ordered in his alpha voice;

-"Look up." And Amelia looked up and met the eyes of the Alpha. 

And finally after god knows how long Amelia felt it. She felt her wolf. Nymeria was back. Not completely anyway. But there was this slight presence of that told Amelia that her wolf was healing too but was finally back. And then when that high wore off, she saw the guy who made it all possible.

The Alpha was tall about six feet  something. Muscular and built with his simple, long sleeved grey t-shirt, which was hugging his stiff frame. He wore only plain torn jeans with it. His face was rectangular. Stern yet soft. His eyes were a dark shade of olive green. Speaking a million words at the same time. With little freckles on his nose and his cheeks but they were very light only visible up close. His nose was small and pointed, which was almost cute when crunched up but right now it was fuming with anger. His jawline well defined and sharp with some heavy stubble. He had dark chocolate brown hair, which were so dark it was almost black. Which was chopped short. The hair in the front were sticking out as if he runs his hands through them a lot. He was 20 year old but by no means was he a boy. He was a man. 

Amelia was busy admiring all the details when she realised that the Alpha was speaking.

-"huh?" Is all she could muster.

-"I Asked what is your name?" He asked again in his heavy and hoarse voice.

-"Amelia." She said in almost a whisper.

-" Not you. Your Wolf." He said. Because right now the alpha's wolf was in control.

-"Nymeria." She replied again. 

-"I am Jensen and the human is Jake. Why is your wolf not in control right now?" 

-"Ummm.. Well I think that due to a sudden shock, she left and was missing for almost three months. Now I felt her stir, so I guess in a few weeks, she will be back to normal." Amelia ranted on, feeling her confidence return.

-"Do you feel what I am feeling right now?"

-"Yes. Is this what I think this is? Are you....?Are you my......?" She stuttered.

-"Mate." Completed Jensen.


Nymeria is back guys!!! What do you think? Pls do tell me! And don't forget to like share and comment!!!!

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