"That sounds like her," I whisper, warmth filling my heart, "She was always one step ahead."

I clear my thoughts of the melancholy memories and instead focus back on the issue at hand, the necklace now feeling heavy. 

"So, they were looking for this?"

If that was true if I had been holding onto what they wanted this whole time... did she die for nothing? Should I have been the one lying on the floor instead of her?

"It could have been that," Trent nods, "But it could also have been any other artefact in her house - she was quite a collector and I'm pretty sure most of the stuff couldn't be bought from the grocery store."

But this doesn't make sense- why would I be attacked if her house was the real target?

"So what? The bomb was a distraction or something?" I ask, really just speaking my thoughts aloud, "How did they know she was there?"

I freeze.

She was always one step ahead and looking out for me.

"Is she dead because of me?"

Trent rips the papers out of my hands as they begin to crumple in my grip, my breaths laboured as I struggle to hold on to the rational part of me. He moves my gaze, his warm eyes soothing my frets as he holds my face to him, helping me to calm. 

Through my mumbles and tears, he continues to hold me, waiting for my ears to stop ringing and for me to actually listen to him. 

Eventually, I do.

"Whoever did this knew that Maggie had a protection spell on you," he explains softly, fingers twisting around my hair, "Whether the goal was to hurt you, hurt me or to hurt her we don't know - originally we thought she might just be a casualty but when we saw how her house was ransacked... we just don't know, Elle."

Was the bomb planted in order to get rid of Mrs Grenway?

Or was it to stop me having protection?

Or was Trent the target the entire time and someone was trying to hurt him through others?

If Mrs Grenway hadn't saved me life would she still have had the protections around her house? Would she had been able to fight them off?

Was someone trying to kill everyone that I loved?

"Andy said that someone was coming, for everyone. Does that mean that people I love are in danger?" I gush out, going at a mile a minute while trying to keep up with my thoughts.

A cold chill slips down my spine. I spin around to Trent, my fingers clutching to his top before he can produce words.

"Oh my god, Trent what about Kristie, she's totally unprotected what if-"

"Cole's already gone to get her," Trent assures me, one hand wrapping around my own while the other curves around my neck, his thumb caressing my cheek, "I promise, I won't let anything happen to her."

Thank god.

"What about Cam?" I ask, a ball of dread ever turning in my gut, "Has anyone seen him? If Matt really is involved then he's the person he's going to go for."

"I know," Trent urges, still trying to calm me, "I've already got the boys out looking for him. As soon as he shows up, you'll know."

I don't miss the way he says it with zero hesitance, with an assurance that can only come with confidence in his team. Whether it's real or he's putting it on for my benenfit, I'm not quite sure, but for the sake of my mind I let myself believe it. 

Golden (Book 1 of the Golden Series)Where stories live. Discover now