27 | A Beta Love

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Early into one night, the almost full moon hung high in the sky, casting a glow atop the beautifully designed desk below the bedroom window.

Having spent more nights locked inside, attempting to distract himself with the prophecy in order not to lose himself in his ever wavering mate bond, Ryder had begun to neglect his formal duties.

The outside world was just too hard to face at the moment while his mate denied their connection, and endless hopeless continued to fester inside of him.

Slowly, but hesitantly, his bedroom door began creaking open.

His senses were heightened, knowing exactly who it was without ever having to turn around and look.

Disappointment bubbled to the surface as it was the last person he wanted to see rather than the most.

The silence hung in there air thickly while neither party uttered a word.

Ryder vaguely wondered why they had come to bother him at all, knowing he'd made it clear that he wanted to be left alone.

Everyone could see things were weighing him down lately but they had chalked it up to the fact he was without a mate which was only half the truth.

Being without a mate seemed easier than one who resisted so much.

The terror of being rejected hung high in his mind but he refused to let the intrusive thoughts win.

If he did, his wolf would surely never forgive him and probably leave him once more.

Eventually, the green-eyed girl finally spoke aloud, breaking Ryder's train of thought.

"Seeing as you haven't found your mate yet, I was thinking," she asked before trailing off, anxiously.

Ryder closed his eyes as he stood with his back to his childhood friend, Dahlia.

Dread swirled around inside of his stomach as he remembered that he had decided not to tell her or anyone else about Alisa just yet, excluding her from the truth unlike that of Cora, Maya and Parker.

The only few who he trusted with such a fact.

This was in the best interest of his mate for now.

A refusal to burn bridges before they'd even truly been built.

The two bystander girls had convinced him that by telling the beta's daughter straight away could have uncomfortable results for everyone involved - Not just the two of them.

Their suggestion had been to ease into the news eventually but Ryder had been attempting to put it off for as long as possible.

It just seemed the best approach given how defiant Alisa was being to him.

His avoidance had become almost as bad as his mate's clear denial.

Vaguely, he wondered if she believed it to be a mistake or that she wasn't worthy of the Luna title. He surely hoped not because she would truly make a remarkable partner and leader to this pack.

Alisa was almost born for it, he was certain.

The clear fact that she was one of the few who could keep up with his wolf.

She alone had coaxed him back into transforming too, all those years ago.

Together, they had unlocked each other's wolves and maybe that should've been a sign that the Moon Goddess had blessed their union long ago.

"Let me be your Luna, Ryder. It just makes sense. Us ruling side by side - the way our fathers' intended," Dahlia finished with a wide smile, unknowing the truth of Ryder's thoughts.

This was such a change of pace from her previous relief. Ryder was sure that she must've been put up to it by both of their fathers.

The pack needed a Luna, sure, but they needed a real Luna even more.

Not a temporary place holder.

Such bonds were not anointed by the Moon Goddess and bore only weakness for a pack instead of strength.

The young man finally turned around to face his future Beta, cementing her place in his life once and for all.

"But not how the Moon Goddess intended - there is a reason she didn't pair us. We mustn't upset the balance of nature," Ryder's reply was rapid and fierce, lacking the delicacy of empathy in the moment.

His point had to be made clear.

Between his growing anger for his father's clear lack of respect and the fact he was running on low fuel. He just didn't have time for Dahlia and her childish crush right now.

He had hoped it would've simmered out by now but he was certain only her real mate could do that.

For now though, it needed to be squashed and fast.

She visibly shrunk back and a frown formed on her face. It took a moment for her surprise and hurt to be replaced with anger and mild defiance that was mixed with some fear too.

"So why hasn't She bought you your Luna when there is a war heading for us?"

The way she shot back really surprised Ryder in return. Her eyes brimming with unshed tears tugged at his heart strings but other things pulled him back to his senses.

"Dhalia, let it go. We are not meant to be and that's that. Do not question the decisions made by the Moon Goddess. You're better than that," his reply was strong and full of his Alpha authority.

It was not as strong as his dads for now, by all means, but it did work when needed to. Especially on the younger wolves who would eventually serve as his council.

Dahlia was to be his Beta - nothing more.

Everything inside of him ached to scream that they did have a Luna and she was right under their noses but he kept his lips tight.

Now was not the time.

Not until Alisa embraced their love and her title.

There was a season for all things. Patience and caution had to be exercised for now.

Eventually, he would make Alisa see the truth and together they will rule the pack into the next generation.

Together they will triumph in the face of their unknown enemy - there was no place for failure in such a deadly task.

"Get out. Do not speak of this to anyone. Not even our fathers. My decision is final," he murmured, pointing to the door behind them.

"I will wait for my true Luna and together we will rise up."

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