04 | Empty Faces of Terror

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Awakening the next morning inside a room, the young girl had never laid her eyes upon before and fear welled up inside tenfold. The walls were a painted white colour and the door frame was made out of silver columns.

A strange looking place indeed.

The room looked much more advanced than the tents they had back at home. This village had obviously kept up with the times in ways the witches never would.

For the truth was, the witches cared little for the world outside of them and the customs of others, choosing only traditional ways forward.

However, everything beyond the boarder was once a wonder and curiosity to her. Now that she actually lay beyond the limits of their land, and in enemy territory, she didn't feel quite as much wonder.

The fear was slowly creeping in among it.

The bed Alisa laid upon was a similar white colour and had a much too hard pillow for her head that only made it ache more.

She couldn't remember the last thing that she'd done before passing out, her memories far too hazy to sift through at a time like this.

"Oh wonderful, dear, you're awake."

The words startled young Alisa into a sitting up position as her blue eyes scanned the beautiful lady in front of her.

The woman had long, flowy auburn hair and light, kind eyes.

"Oh, sorry for startling you," the woman spoke up once more.

"But please lay back down, it would be detriment for your health if you were to move too suddenly," she added with a small, hesitant smile.

Alisa swallowed thickly as she stared at the redheaded lady.

"Here's some water, child. I'm Mabel, and it's very nice to meet you," Mabel spoke with a sweet voice, as if trying to lull Alisa into some form of false security.

As Alisa reached out for the strange glass of water, she kept her eyes trained on Mabel as if she were an enemy, she was trying to catch off guard.

Unaware of where she was or the last moments before waking up in a strange place, trust was going to take a lot longer for her.

"Can you tell me your name," Mabel asked as her fingers released the glass gently as she passed it over and Alisa began drinking eagerly.

It wasn't long before the bear-skin door moved aside and in stepped someone full of power. It radiated off him as if any were to disobey, the consequences would be dire for them.

He radiated the kind of power and control that caused Mabel to instantly bow her head in respect to her leader.


Alisa's blue eyes widened as she began choking on the water.

Turning in a rush, the kind woman took the glass out of her hands and began patting her back lightly.

"Remember to swallow the water, child."

Alpha Ryker cleared his throat, "And what is the child's name?"

A look of uncertainty passed the healer's face as she looked between Alpha Ryker and the nameless pup.

"Alisa," the whisper came out raspy and uncertain from the small frail child.

But she knew her name perfectly, but she also knew better than to reveal too much to a werewolf.

"Alisa. What a beautiful name," Ryker commented, nodding his head. "Mabel relieve yourself of your duty here. I'd like to speak to the child alone."

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