21 | Torn Between Worlds

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The young brunette girl felt as if there were ropes surrounding her, constricting the airways in her lungs.

Torn between the past and the present.

So much had changed but some things felt the same in the oddest of ways. Her own inner demons and inability to truly feel as if she belonged here or there was becoming an increasingly more difficult problem as the days rolled into weeks.

A feeling that she now did not belong anywhere - or perhaps, she belonged in the grey hues of the world.

Unseen and forgotten.

While Ace seemed like a mad man on a mission to find her, she knew coming back would be more like a trap than a welcome home.

A death sentence disguised as a rescue.

Something inside of her no longer trusted those from before. The lies they spoke that took deep and dark roots inside of her, finally became visible.

The words she believed once upon a time seemed only like stories now.

Someone once told her that the victor always lives to tell the tale in their perspective. This became more apparent the more Ryder showed her this world that she had been kept from and lied to about.

Her mother swore the shapeshifters were the true foe but as time changes just as the wind does, Alisa no longer believed they were the greatest foe she would have to yet face.

But something also told her that the wolves couldn't be trusted either - something felt odd about both worlds, as if she no longer had a real home or a place to feel a true belonging to.

Despite Ryder and the others constantly reminding her that this is their home but she still felt out of place.

A home she had not earned, only used lies to keep her head above the water. Barely it seemed at times.

She had woken up not long ago, learning that she had been passed out for two whole days. Yet, she felt the exact same as she did those two days before.

Nothing had changed for her. Her sense of belonging only seemed to blur more.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

The sound of Parker's voice lulled Alisa out of her inner thoughts of turmoil and she was thankful for the distraction.

"I'm okay, thank you," she murmured softly, sitting up slowly.

"I heard I was out for two days by your mother," she quickly added, looking up to finally meet his eyes.

They only showed relief and that comforted her in a way.

"Yeah, you gave us all quite a scare back there," he chuckled, running a hand through his red hair.

"What...what happened?"

"Well, truth is we aren't sure. We were hoping you'd tell us because Ryder and the girls aren't saying a word," he answered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

A weird feeling erupted in the pit of Alisa's stomach. Either she had heard Ryder wrong before passing out or he was yet to inform the pack they were 'mates'.

The word felt odd on her tongue and she felt undeserving of such a title, much less the Luna part of that equation.

Her head began hurting at the very thought, and her heart began beating rapidly in her chest almost similar to the moment she transformed on the night of her first arrival at Snake's Canyon.

Stumbling into the Sabor Tooth's pack lands wasn't exactly what she had intended to do but she was thankful for the way things had turned out seemingly well in the past couple years for her.

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