Pr | A Birth of Gifts

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Imagine a world full of mysteries and great powers.

An arcane land where some of the inhabitants roamed this world freely with such incredible powers of their own to control. After years of hiding in the shadows, lurking among the Naturals, they had grown and evolved into creatures unheard of.

Ambitions had grown - believing there had to be more to life than the darkness.

For loneliness could be the worst of all illnesses to cure. Being alone may have meant it was easier to pretend to be Natural as well, but it also left room for unknown danger. For those who wondered off, hardly ever came back.

As one by one gifted person was found and slaughtered across the towns for all to see, a fury had erupted within their hearts.

Having only a desire to be accepted into society, things had taken a dark turn quite quickly. Genocide had not been the answer they had been looking for. Realising that it had all come down to survival - the Gifted or the Ungifted.

There could be no peace and harmony here - War had been declared.

Such battles had a way to reunite lost family but also a way of losing them too. As the people began to flock to those with abilities that matched theirs; the four cultures were born from the ashes.

Each gifted culture had grown their own kingdoms in time, ran by unique beliefs and different customs. None mirrored the other, for their priorities were vastly different. While some desired revenge, others sought out justice for the past crimes.

To achieve such revenge, knowledge would be the only way to do that. Outsmart the enemies in order to extract their weaknesses. Those that desired revenge held the ability to manipulate the magic within the ground, twisting it to their darkest fantasies. Believing violence was the key to success.

Not all agreed with such violent tactics, believing innocents were to be spared due to no guilt. By choosing to save a young Natural, the Shapeshifters had forever declared themselves an enemy to the Witches. As unfortunately, loyalty had only meant something to the former.

If you are not a friend, you are surely a foe.

Such news branched out to the other two gifted species. It had been a clear warning. If they were not willing to aid their revenge quest, then they too would become a part of the endless body piles in their wake.

For fear of a war with two enemies on their tails, the aquatically gifted ran for sanctuary among the seas - the last known safe place for them.

Their creativity was always rather evident in the way they were unusually quite resourceful in a pickle.

Lastly, the more harmonious of the four species, desired just that - peace. To ensure this for themselves, they had abandoned their call to nature in this land and set off in search of a New Haven.

A place where they could hide from those who wished them harm. War was not an option for the spirits, especially for as time evolved, their souls became connected to nature itself; a tree or plant in the anointed land was a Nymph's life source if they could ever reach that highest blessing of Nature.

A mission that would prove to be futile if the Witches abolished them. Running may not have originally been in their thoughts but survival always trumped everything else.

It was not long before the nature spirits had become just stories the trees whispered in the wind - they were long gone and so was the beauty in this patch of the world.

It had left when they had abandoned nature, taking its life and light with them.

As the naturals only desired one thing above all else, the other traits seemed to matter little to them. Power is what fed their greedy souls and war was a means to achieve just that for them.

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