Chapter 12: What If?

Start from the beginning

"Well you where mauled by mobs last night and I couldn't imagine healing yourself drained the life out of you." Sapnap said seeing Dream tilt his head to the side.

"Oh yeah, that stuff. I don't need a reminder for that." Dream said with a chuckle, "my arms feel like there's a bunch of needles in them." Dream added swaying his hand back and forth.

"Uh...Dream..." George said pointing to his hand.

"What? My hands-" Dream looked at his hand seeing the dull claws tipping each finger, he stared at the claws as he silence took over him.


Strings of clotted blood hung from the hands of a monster as a crooked smile was displayed on the creature's face as it drooled blood as its teeth where slick with the crimson soup. A gun raised up pointing at the head of the twisted creature with trembling hands before locking up like a statue as the shadows swam around the figure before trailing up the person's body as they took the form of hands that turned red as they dug into the fragile skin of the human pulling them open like a bag of goodies. The creature laughed at the sight before standing up to dig right in....nothing went to waste as the body was cleaned of its intestines and skin.


Dream closed his hand as he looked up. Everyone had gathered in the living room looking at Dream with visible concern besides for Techno as his emotions where harder to read. George gently placed his hand on Dream's shoulder slightly shaking him.

"Dream, please talk to us." George said as he reached for Dream's hand.

Dream moved his hand away shaking his head, "I need a break, just need to clear my head...I'll be back I promise." Dream said as he got up.

"Where will you be going." A6d said as he looked at Dream wanting to stop him from leaving.

"Just out into the forest." Dream said walking past everyone, "if I don't return in an hour, I'll be east of this place." He added before heading outdoors shutting the door behind him.

Dream huffed once he was outside taking in the fresh air, he looked to his right seeing the left over carnage of last night and headed off into the direction of it. The sun just over head casing small beams of light through the leaves above as Dream walked through the quiet forest. He looked at his hand again looking at this small change to his body as the claws where slightly hook like just like that of the talons of an eagle, the potential to claw someone at any given moment to just make them bleed out. Dream didn't remember what his experiment was based on except that he was a project, a project with a lot of investment into it.

"What the hell I'm I becoming, are they right.... are they right about me being a monster....what did you do to me!" Dream barked hoping for a response as the wind picked up around him. He felt eyes on him, the eyes surrounding him as he fell to his knees holding his head, "what the hell am I!" Dream yelled as his fingers got intertwined with his dirty blonde hair, "answered me!"

The forest remained quiet with no response as the wind continued to make the leaves sway and rattle. Dream was shaking as he dug his fingers into his hair as pain shot through his body in waves, he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, he wanted answers, he wanted the truth to what he was. Was he a friend or just another monster in this dammed world. Dream remained on his knees as he slowly rose up as his hands dragged down to his mask as he grabbed it. He remained hunched over as his lips parted showing his teeth before they pulled apart with a hiss of a gator as his teeth where much sharper then before, his breathing sounded harsh as his hands dropped to the forest floor with his fingers and spine cracking. Soon Dream fell quiet with a twisted smile on his face.

An hour passed and the group at the cabin didn't see Dream's return. George was pacing back and forth seeming worried as his arms where crossed close to his chest. Skeppy and A6d spoke to each other discussing who'll be heading out to retrieve Dream. Techno was looking out a window as the hoglins sat by his legs.

"So who's going to get him" Spifey said with a tinge of fear since he didn't want to do it.

"I don't-" A6d said before being cut off by an impatient George.

"I'll do it!" George said getting everyone to look at him "I'll go retrieve Dream if it even kills me."

"Are you sure you wanna go alone, I mean I can accompany you" Skeppy said but George shook his head no.

"He'll see you as a threat so just stay here." George said, "he'll take all of you as threats if came close to him, I'm willing to sacrifice myself to bring him back here." He added.

"Sounding awfully brave of you George, you sure about this." Sapnap said with surprise in his voice, George was never this brave before.

George nodded, "I'm sure of it." He said before walking past everyone to grab his backpack with supplies. George felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked back to see Bad.

"Be careful out there, who know's if Dream has mutated out there in the forest." Bad said with worry.

"Don't worry Bad, I'll be okay, I promise." George said as he swung his backpack over his shoulder as it hung by one strap around his shoulder.

Everyone moved out of the way as George pasted them. George stood in front of the door as he took in a deep breath before sighing as he opened the door to the outside world looking into the forest that surrounded the cabin. George heard his friends wish him luck and to stay safe as he journeyed outside shutting the door behind him. George looked to the east where the carnage was before running into the direction Dream went, he prepared his mind to possibilities of being attacked or ambushed by Dream if he did mutate. George ran past the trees and carnage as he was bound to find his friend, that's what he hoped for with each step he took deeper into the forest.

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