Chapter 16: Don't look at Me!

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Warning: contains mild blood, injury, and swearing

With everything calm once more Bad carefully looked over Dream's wounds to make sure they where all healed but Dream reassured him that everything was okay. Dream huffed but he was glad he was back in control since who knows what Paralysis would've done to the others, Dream looked at the others specifically at Tapl and A6d who where the ones attacked by Paralysis. Dream felt guilt as he looked at the two since he couldn't stop Paralysis from attacking the two, but if Paralysis was still in control he would of hurt more people and possibly kill them. Dream sighed already knowing he took a life of a random innocent soul out in the forest, Dream crossed his fingers hoping that the group wouldn't go east to discover the body.

George looked at Dream before walking over to him and taking a seat next to him, "you doing alright, Dream?" George asked to start up conversation with him, but Dream was quiet for a short moment before using his voice which trembled.

"N-no, I feel guilty....I..." Dream looked at his hands seeing visions of blood covering them, he begun to panic as he clutched his hands close with his body trembling with fear.

"Guilty? Guilty of what" George said as he looked at Dream.

"I couldn't control this monster, I'm a monster aren't I....a blood thirsty monster." Dream said as all eyes where on him, "I do nothing but hurt others, taking blood just to build upon this monster I've become." Dream added as the mask came loose.

"You're not a monster Dream, you're a friend, you're our friend." George said gently setting his hand on Dream's.

Dream's claws came out sharp as ever as they where stained with the blood of others, George was worried but also scared since he knew the truth. Dream was a monster and he witnessed it in action, witnessing the beast kill an innocent survivor in cold blood. George though wanted to protect Dream so he lied for him just to keep him part of the group, now thinking of it should of he lied. Dream was unstable and bound to kill someone if given the chance, like Tapl for instance who was almost killed.

The eyes of everyone where on them as a pressure built up causing tension in the group as they where unsure of what to do with Dream. George wanted to speak the truth but he didn't want to lose Dream since he was his friend. Dream muttered something which caused everyone to look at him.

"D-don't look at me." Dream uttered out as tinges of black smoke licked at the sides of his mouth.

"Dream?" Bad said before backing off with everyone as Dream looked at them his mask coming off of his face showing his eyes.

George backed off as Dream raised his hands to his face to hide it, "Don't look at me! I said not to look at me!" Dream hissed as a think black fog came from his jaws, George reached up but Dream had gotten up hunching over as his claws grew sharper as they dug into his flesh.

"What the hell's going on" Sapnap yelled as he fell back since he tripped on Tapl's foot. Tapl caught Sapnap pulling him back to his feet before having Bad yell at them about their language.

"Now's not the time for that!" A6d yelled as Skeppy got ready for a fight.

Dream bellowed as smoke poured from his jaws before hiding him but a bright neon green flashed in the black smoke. Skeppy prepared himself and was ready to defend his friends from Dream. A roar bellowed out from the smoke cloud before a huge clawed hand came slamming down, the vain in the hand stuck out pulsating as the the fingers of the hand curled up digging its claws into the floor boards. The smoke started to clear as the phantoms flew off to hide from the creature in the smoke. Skeppy backed up a bit a little frightened by what he was seeing.

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