"Dad, eww. I didn't need to hear that," I tell him covering my ears.

He just laughs at me.

"Let me finish honey.

"Well to make it better for you that was where you made. Now don't eww me but it's the truth," he tells me at the end because I had a disgusted look on my face and trying to block my mind about my dad and someone doing the do. Ugh why did he tell me that.

"She told me her name and that she was special. Her name was Rosy and she was the moon goddess. I believed her. She told me how she came down here to earth to find her mate and low and behold it was me. She also told me that after she got pregnant which she was and gave birth she would have to leave. I was so upset but at least I got you out of the deal and 5 months with her. We had to keep hidden because if they found out then terrible things would happen so I built a house in the woods far way from pack territory. It was a magical 5 months. She told me that I had to protect you at all costs no matter what.

"When you were born I told her to name you. 'Paige is such a sweet name.' She told me and we named you Paige. About 5 hours after you were born she gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead and then gave me a lingering kiss and told me to look after you and to find my second mate. I told her no and that I wouldn't betray her but she told me to because she wanted me happy and disappeared after telling me she loved me.

"The only time I seen her again was in my dreams and she kept telling me that she was watching over you and me.

"Then Sofia came into the picture as my second mate. I have never forgotten your mother. She was my everything and then your brother and sister came into play. You wasn't much older than but you always thought they were older. I was happy but I still missed your mother. When I died I got to see her again and I was so happy but a piece was missing and that was you. I know what happened after I left. They treated you like trash and skum. For that I will never forgive them. We have been lookin over you and where you are, that is where you belong. Alpha Peter is very special to you, you need to figure it out before it is to late."

"What do you mean by 'we' and 'to late?'"

"Georld you already said to much," says a very beautiful woman that look a lot like me.

"Paige this is your mother, your real mother," he tells me smiling and walking over toward the woman.


"Yes dear."

"Is it really you?"

"Yes dear and your father forgot to mention about your powers you possess because of me."

"Sorry honey."

"That's ok dad. Now what I did to those rouges was that my power?"

"Yes and not the only power you will have," says my mom.


"Yes dear, more. That was only one of many."


"Yes, now it's time to go back to your new family."

"But I want to stay with you guys and learn more about you mom."

"We are always looking over you and we are always in your dreams even when you don't see us. But you need to go, your new family is worried about you and another tip don't let others let you down. Stand up to them show them the real you, the strong fierce moon goddess's daughter but don't tell the people you don't trust what and who you are. There are bad people in the world and want to use it for bad reasons.

"Enough with this, it's time to go sweety."

I went up and hugged them both and stepped back. 

"We love you sweety and are always watching over you. You will see us in your dreams, so dream big," mom said with a huge smile and dad's eyes get teary and he smiles. 

I smile back and it's dark once again.


Here is chapter 8 hope you guys liked it. You finally know what happened and got to meet her mom and dad and a little about her past.  I need a new cover can anybody make me one please cuz I kinda want one that goes with the story so if you can please and remember to





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